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Full Version: Who viewed the thread
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Is there a mod out already that shows you who has viewed a thread. Like this thread a mod that will make it so that it will say

Who's already viewed this thread
Source, Cory, Dave, Sam, Ben



That would be a huge table. Who's viewed every thread since the forum's creation... unless you start using fancy serialisation with arrays...
If you have it in an array, why not cache it for better loading times? Also, at a certain date, it would automatically prune this information from the table.
are we talking the same lang lol

here's what i mean:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=800]
Has there been a resolution to this topic? (yay, I can use the search button!)

I am looking for a similar plug-in or option. Like who viewed the thread in the past 72 hours or something... because my client needs confirmation that members viewed a thread, but it would be so much easier to automatically list it rather than have each visitor confirm with a post.
hmm looks good i would say no to this mos pls.thanks Smile
now this is an idea but only for like the past 24 hour
Has anyone come across a plug-in or mode for this yet? I would most definitely appreciate it.
c'mon, no one's got anything on this ?
In PHPMYADMIN run the following query

ALTER TABLE `mybb_threads` ADD `viewed` TEXT NOT NULL ;

Open showthread.php
$lang->newthread_in = sprintf($lang->newthread_in, $forum['name']);
Below it add
//Start who viewed this thread
	$whoviewed = explode(",",$thread['viewed']);
	$comma = "";
	$already_viewed = 0;
		if($whoviewed[$i] != '')
			$query = $db->query("SELECT username, usergroup, displaygroup FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users WHERE uid='".$whoviewed[$i]."'");
			$info = $db->fetch_array($query);
			$username = format_name($info['username'], $info['usergroup'], $info['displaygroup']);
			$users_viewedlist .= $comma.build_profile_link($username,$whoviewed[$i]);
			$comma = ", ";
			if($mybb->user['uid'] == $whoviewed[$i] && $already_viewed != 1)
				$already_viewed = 1;

	if($already_viewed == 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] != 0)
		$viewed = $thread['viewed'].",".$mybb->user['uid'];
		$db->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads SET viewed='$viewed' WHERE tid='$tid'");

Now in showthread template find
below it add
<div>Users who browsed this thread: {$users_viewedlist}</div>
Pages: 1 2