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Full Version: A few IE "Bugs"
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Inferno, can you clear your cache? It works fine here.
the same errors here with IE 7
Nothing changes when i clear my cache.
Then please.. use Firefox.. Toungue
Happening in IE7 here too.
Tikitiki Wrote:Show me the proof.

Firefox seems to be the most used browser :O But IE6 is more common than IE7, and is still over 30% of the market share.
blueparukia Wrote:
Tikitiki Wrote:Show me the proof.

Firefox seems to be the most used browser :O But IE6 is more common than IE7, and is still over 30% of the market share.

I remember an article back a while ago that said IE 7 was more used than IE 6. Guess it was wrong.
blueparukia...I guess you didn't see the note on the w3schools page:
Quote:W3Schools is a website for people with an interest for web technologies. These people are more interested in using alternative browsers than the average user. The average user tends to use Internet Explorer, since it comes preinstalled with Windows. Most do not seek out other browsers.

These facts indicate that the browser figures above are not 100% realistic. Other web sites have statistics showing that Internet Explorer is used by at least 80% of the users.
I'd say the only people who still use I.E 6 are the big businesses who still run Windows NT and 2000. Most have upgraded to I.E 7.
DrPoodle Wrote:blueparukia...I guess you didn't see the note on the w3schools page:
Quote:W3Schools is a website for people with an interest for web technologies. These people are more interested in using alternative browsers than the average user. The average user tends to use Internet Explorer, since it comes preinstalled with Windows. Most do not seek out other browsers.

These facts indicate that the browser figures above are not 100% realistic. Other web sites have statistics showing that Internet Explorer is used by at least 80% of the users.
I'd say the only people who still use I.E 6 are the big businesses who still run Windows NT and 2000. Most have upgraded to I.E 7.

Ye right there like tafe uni and all were i live still use IE6.
All I know is that most people who use Windows switched because Microsoft semi-forced it onto them in the update, and they found it quicker and more useful. The last place I worked still used I.E 6, and so do most public libraries I've seen.
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