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Full Version: You know you fail when...
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You have 4 twitters...

Post your "You know you fail when"
when ur a guy and you look down towards you "feet" and can't see "it" coz ur stomach is in the way

(recently happened to me)
...when you complain about Facebook everyday, but visit the site every hour, every day.
When your username is T0m and you make a thread about failing Toungue
(2009-10-01, 10:58 PM)NetSage Wrote: [ -> ]When your username is T0m and you make a thread about failing Toungue

When you can't stop losing your time by visiting forums waiting for someone to post, instead of doing the important things you have to (like studing for your chemistry and biology tests, subjects you hate with your soul) Toungue lol is happening to me right now xD
My post count and i've been registered here since 2006.. xD
When you bring home the wrong book to do your homework. FFUUUU-
When you make more money giving things away for free then selling those same things. Sad
(2009-10-02, 12:45 AM)KuJoe Wrote: [ -> ]When you make more money giving things away for free then selling those same things. Sad

How is that a fail, lol? Reversed effects imo.
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