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Full Version: Fill Out a Survey - Raise Funds for MyBB (Not Official)
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Haha lol, no problem.

Please close this thread. CPALead is being a grape right now anyways, only earned like $.75 cents, so I'll just add like $14.25 to that and donate.
I hate hate and hate CPALead. I rather kill 18 babies than using it to raise money for MyBB. Come up with something more original that isn't boring and gruesome for the people that are trying to raise money.
(2010-03-13, 04:31 PM)Bob Jansen Wrote: [ -> ]I hate hate and hate CPALead. I rather kill 18 babies than using it to raise money for MyBB. Come up with something more original that isn't boring and gruesome for the people that are trying to raise money.

Already have. How does something like MyBB signature images sound? You pay like $3 and you get a signature with your name and it says something like "I support MyBB."

Of course, you can always make one yourself and that's not the point - the point is the $3 towards the signature.
Not sure it has to be something unique and fun and not just "oh I pay 5 dollars for something which will go to MyBB". I will try to come up with something and tell you if its clever Toungue.
Closed by request.
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