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Can you give this thread access to still open awptimus?
(2010-07-19, 05:55 PM)Jessie S. Wrote: [ -> ]Well can somebody please explain to me why I don't even receive a simple pm explaining why It was closed? i don't even get why it was closed.

They didn't feel that it was appropriate and if you really want to see the thread, it's not very hard.
But the problem is, he made a thread helping people. What shoulda happend, is instead of removing his thread you should have deleted the posts of the other people, and locked the thread. That way at least people can still be saved from the scam. And when you do things like this it discourage's people from posting.

Quote:Don't expect me to provide any more useful information in the future to protect fellow members.

IMHO it was both mod's and the B****** members fault.
(2010-07-19, 05:57 PM)wethegreenpeople Wrote: [ -> ]But the problem is, he made a thread helping people. What shoulda happend, is instead of removing his thread you should have deleted the posts of the other people, and locked the thread. That way at least people can still be saved from the scam. And when you do things like this it discourage's people from posting.

Quote:Don't expect me to provide any more useful information in the future to protect fellow members.

IMHO it was both mod's and the B****** members fault.

Thanks you! Smile
(2010-07-19, 05:57 PM)dear-user Wrote: [ -> ]Can you give this thread access to stills open awptimus?

(2010-07-19, 05:57 PM)wethegreenpeople Wrote: [ -> ]But the problem is, he made a thread helping people. What shoulda happend, is instead of removing his thread you should have deleted the posts of the other people, and locked the thread. That way at least people can still be saved from the scam. And when you do things like this it discourage's people from posting.

Quote:Don't expect me to provide any more useful information in the future to protect fellow members.

IMHO it was both mod's and the B****** members fault.
We are not discussing Bob here....that conversation has already been closed.

Now on to Jessie's post about receiving a PM for this thread being deleted...

I suggested before that a mod should be made so that the thread creator gets an automatic PM when a thread is deleted along with a reason. This is feature of vb.
(2010-07-19, 05:55 PM)Jessie S. Wrote: [ -> ]Well can somebody please explain to me why I don't even receive a simple pm explaining why It was closed? i don't even get why it was closed.

Can you imagine how hard that would be for us?
IMO, the only new thing the staff should be doing is giving out bans, but that's up to them.
As much as i may disagree with the way things are delt with, this isn't a democracy. We agreed to their rules. If you don't like it, take use of the GPL.
At a warning level of 100%, a user is banned for 7 days. Rude posts, illegal content etc are all 30 points, so 4 of them = a 1 week ban.

IMHO it needs to be changed.
I think that some situations should warrant an automatic ban rather than the 4 warnings or what not.
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