I don't see how the tags I copy/paste from Doubleclick For Publishers could be generating an error, but I'll investigate. What tool can I use to get more information on these javascript errors?
Depending on what browser you use, you can view these errors via the javascript console.
From the errors I got, this is what code is on these lines of the source code of the thread I posted in:
Line 32: GS_googleAddAdSenseService("ca-pub-1077682492733839");
Line 36: GA_googleAddSlot("ca-pub-1077682492733839", "Banner");
Line 46: GA_googleFetchAds();
Line 94: GA_googleFillSlot("Banner");
These functions don't seem to be defined.
I removed what I could of the Doubleclick For Publishers code and still had trouble with the MyBB "loading please wait" banner. Perhaps I should email Google though to find out why their scripts are throwing errors?
You could try that, and also make sure that all the javascript files (such as
http://partner.googleadservices.com/gamp...service.js ) that you need are all there. One of them, which from the name of it (
http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js ) seems quite important, appears to load code but then show a blank page when I view it in my browser, which probably isn't right. As I said in your other thread, the ads may well not be the cause, but when you've got an error with something that's javascript, and there's other javascript on your site that is spitting out errors, there's a fair chance the two are related.
Another way to check is to create a new default theme. ACP > Templates & Style > Create New Theme. Choose this theme in your User CP Options, it won't have any non-default code in it, see if it still hangs then.
I created a new theme "New" and set it as my personal default theme. Still hung when I submitted my test post.
OK, next thing, in ./inc/init.php, after:
define("TIME_NOW", time());
define("NO_PLUGINS", 1);
This will stop all plugins being loaded at runtime, but won't lose any information from them or anything like that. Obviously this means no plugins will work whilst this is in place, but they'll be as they were when this is removed.
Can you also go to ACP > Tools & Maintenance > File Verification > run this check, just to make sure all your files are up to date.
How long has the quick reply been broken?? I saw the thread on your forum about it was started on the 28th November, I assume it just suddenly started then?? Doesn't sound like a server or load issue, as it would seem odd that it would suddenly fail for so many people because of load or something.
Plugins disabled right now. Still hanging...
Will be disabled for a couple minutes if you want to try.
What about these things??
(2010-12-02, 06:39 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Can you also go to ACP > Tools & Maintenance > File Verification > run this check, just to make sure all your files are up to date.
How long has the quick reply been broken?? I saw the thread on your forum about it was started on the 28th November, I assume it just suddenly started then?? Doesn't sound like a server or load issue, as it would seem odd that it would suddenly fail for so many people because of load or something.
If it's suddenly broken for so many people, and nothing else seems to have broken, something must have changed somewhere to have such a specific problem affect such a large amount of people. Actually quick edit is affected too, the actual edit works, but the 'edited by' message doesn't update until you refresh.
Hang on, what template set is that theme you created using?? It seems to be using the same set that has the edits. Can you go to ACP > Templates & Style > New (as in the name of the theme you made) > Template Set > is there an option called 'New' in this dropdown menu?? If there is, set it to that and save it, if that isn't there, go to ACP > Templates & Style > Templates > Add Set > give this a name > then edit that theme again and set it to use this new template set.
Now it'll be using a default version of the templates. I could have
sworn creating a new theme also created a fresh template set, but it appears it doesn't...
The reply to my knowledge has been broken since about the time that thread was started.
I did a little experimenting. I created the new theme with new templates. When I selected the new theme as the admin user in Safari, the problem persisted. BUT when I was using Firefox as user Test, the problem went away.
The google forums claim it's some other script. They want me to isolate the DFP code.
I assume the edits to functions.php are just for Google SEO?? Is there anything in your PHP error log related to xmlhttp.php??
The fact it worked OK for you in Firefox but not Safari is weird, as it doesn't work for me in Firefox (on OS X), and if it's browser specific that would indicate it's something about the HTML/javascript.
I'm trying to think what could have changed to make this suddenly happen, to make the spinner stay on quick reply, but for it to go properly on quick edit, whilst the edited by message doesn't work for quick reply.
Actually I've just seen this in your source:
<script type="text/javascript">
function resize_images() {
var img = $$( "img.postimage" );
for ( var i = 0; i < img.length; i++ ) {
while ( !img[i].complete ) { break; }
if ( img[i].width > 700 ) {
var imgURL = img[i].getAttribute( "src" );
var oldWidth = img[i].width;
var oldHeight = img[i].height;
img[i].width = 700;
img[i].height = oldHeight * ( 700 / oldWidth )
img[i].setAttribute( "alt", imgURL );
img[i].setAttribute( "title", imgURL );
var parent = img[i].parentNode;
var warning = document.createElement( "div" );
var align = parent.getAttribute( "style" );
var setalign = "";
if ( align == "text-align: center;" || align == "text-align: right;" ) {
if ( align == "text-align: center;" ) setalign = "center";
if ( align == "text-align: right;" ) setalign = "right"; }
warning.innerHTML = "<div style=\"background:#ffffff;padding:3px 0;text-align:center;width:700px;\"><a href=\"" + imgURL + "\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-weight:bold;color: #000000;\">Click to view full size image</a></div>";
warning.setAttribute( "align", setalign );
parent.insertBefore( warning, img[i].nextSibling );
Event.observe( window, "load", function() { resize_images(); } );
<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-2395222-3");
} catch(err) {}</script>
Seems to be at the end of the footer template; if these are fresh templates this shouldn't be here, unless you added this in to this fresh template set at some point??