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Full Version: Stays on loading whenever posting anything
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I did not remove it, and if I did remove it. I am sorry and it was by mistake. How do I re-add it?


It has been re-added, sorry for the mistake =(
I get a javascript error on your forum.

Uncaught ReferenceError: NcodeImageResizer is not defined

It might be due to that.
I do not have that plugin installed, I removed it. But how is it still effecting it? Can somebody tell me how to fix this please, its still happening
Just seen you've got other serious problems with your page source.

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The doctype/html/head/body tage are all there twice, and at the bottom...

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<!-- end: showthread -->

... the closing body and HTML tags are there twice too. Plus the image resizer plugin is still have some sort of effect:

<img src="" border="0" alt="[Image: 1e2zxc.jpg]" onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" />

I don't know how the plugin works though so can't really suggest how it's adding this.
Where did u find this?

<img src="" border="0" alt="[Image: 1e2zxc.jpg]" onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" />
In the page source of a thread, it's code to resize an image.
I thought I took that off, why is it there? I uninstalled the plugin along time ago cuz it does not work
Ok I took that plugin off and all related files etc... and I still get loading issue why?
Can anybody solve this please?
You've not fixed any of the stuff I posted above Undecided You've still got the doubled up header, you've still got the doubled up closing body and HTML tags. What's in your header template?? It's seriously messed up.
I don't know how to fix it. Can u please tell me where to go and what file's to edit? Ill post them here and I would really like alot of help to fix it. I do not know how to fix this

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