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the way matt is suggesting is probabley best I never even thought of doing it that way.
Okay I'm upgrading and then I'll think about clearing things up.
I reinstalled MyBB on an empty host!

We then imported the database, but now a few problems crop up. Previously installed plugins were not disabled and somewhere in the database they muck things up when the files for the plugin are uploaded. I need to know where in the database plugins effect.

So far I've removed plugin data from the Settings and SettingGroups.

Thanks for any help.
I don't know why you've done it like this, I did mention to make sure you keep plugin files, you could have just left those as they were, but okay... they could add templates, edit templates, or add new database tables or columns, but you're going to have to explain how they've 'mucked things up' for us to be able to suggest anything.
Well they stop the forum themes from displaying properly, as if the CSS isn't found. I can always copy the old plugin files across if that's the best option?
It's highly unlikely that that's anything to do with plugins, it'll most likely be because you probably didn't save the CSS files for your themes, which is another thing I specifically said to make sure you keep.

Go to ACP > Templates & Style > go through each theme > go through each stylesheet > just save them.
It's on a new theme.
And you imported it through the ACP?? It's got no CSS if it's showing like you're saying it is.
It shows fine and is installed as usual UNTIL I upload plugin files of previously installed plugins. I uploaded new versions not old versions of the plugins.
Uploading plugin files won't do anything to the CSS files for a theme. You're saying this happens before you even install/activate them...?? If it's not even activated yet it won't be loading the plugin files at all so they wouldn't be doing anything to the forum. You're just uploading plugin files to the ./inc/plugins/ folder and maybe some files to the language folders, right...??
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