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does the faster forum have the same number of usergroups? Are users in only a few usergroups or in 10+ groups?
If you've still got 60 usergroups and hundreds of forums, many with custom forum permissions set for multiple usergroups, it'll still be that. Have you tried any of the alternative cache handlers like I suggested before??
(2011-04-08, 10:36 PM)Dannymh Wrote: [ -> ]Besides those plugins do you have your own code in there anywhere? Particularly with lots of joins?

No, no custom code, I'm afraid.

(2011-04-09, 12:12 AM)pyridine Wrote: [ -> ]Are the two forums you described on the same server?

Yes, both are on the same server.

(2011-04-09, 12:17 AM)pavemen Wrote: [ -> ]does the faster forum have the same number of usergroups? Are users in only a few usergroups or in 10+ groups?

The faster forum has around a dozen usergroups. The slower forum has 59.

(2011-04-09, 12:20 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]If you've still got 60 usergroups and hundreds of forums, many with custom forum permissions set for multiple usergroups, it'll still be that. Have you tried any of the alternative cache handlers like I suggested before??

I'm definitely willing, but not technically capable. If you give me specific terms to google, I can try to figure it out. Should I just try something like, "MyBB Alternative cache handler"?
As I explained before, you just have to make sure your host supports one of the other cache handlers (eaccelerator, memcache, xcache (there's also disk which will store the info in files in the ./cache/ folder)) and then just find $config['cache_store'] = 'db' in ./inc/config.php and change db to the cache handler you want to use. It may not necessarily decrease the number dramatically (I don't know the ins and outs of how it works) but with the way your forum is set up, the database probably isn't the best cache handler to use.
I'm finding out from the host. Thanks, Matt!
btw...a neat trick.

edit inc/init.php and add this line near the top.

define("NO_PLUGINS", "1");

This will run your forum with all plugins disabled. Do that and review the advanced statistics difference. If your mem usage lowers significantly then you know it's a plugin. But certainly the massive datacache from usergroups could be it. And not only does usergroups gets big but so does forums cache too.

MyBB needs to work on it's performance now more than ever. Some large forums are coming over and it's these little things that can be troublesome. More debug tools and better cache are needed.
I disabled all plugins, but did not see a significant change. The load times were still significantly higher than on our larger site with numerous plugins (but much fewer usergroups). The usergroups/forumpermissions were my original suspect.

I'm going to try Matt's suggestion with cache handling. Also, if I can figure out how to export my database schema using SQLyog, I will let labrocca take a peek. My hope is that I will find a solution that won't require pruning anymore usergroups.

As an aside, I really appreciate everyone's help, suggestions, insight, etc. Although we had fewer problems on vB3.7, we never received this kind of support (even from the paid vB CSRs). This community is a major reason why we're hoping to switch. Thanks. Smile
try to remove plugins Quick Theme Wink
Hmm, I tried, but didn't notice any change. Have you had trouble with the quick theme changer? Is there another theme changer that you recommend?
Yes, It was. Load almost 50. I remove it

But, I dont need theme changer.
Too many custom template I made Wink
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