(2011-05-02, 03:24 AM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]And have you tried to install xcache?
Aye, we tried both xcache and memcache. Didn't help. :<
(2011-05-02, 09:15 AM)FBI Wrote: [ -> ]xcache or memcache should try..
But, since MyBB 1.6, I dont use it..
Maybe later..
Quote:btw...a neat trick.
edit inc/init.php and add this line near the top.
define("NO_PLUGINS", "1");
This will run your forum with all plugins disabled. Do that and review the advanced statistics difference. If your mem usage lowers significantly then you know it's a plugin.
I see, thanks
We tried turning off all plugins, but this didn't affect the high memory usage. :<
(2011-05-02, 10:08 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ] (2011-05-02, 01:47 AM)taylor_smith Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance MyBB 2.0 will handle usergroups differently?
As I said before, it's not the usergroups, it's the permissions. Are you 100% that you need every single one of the usergroups you have, and every single one of the custom permissions you've set for them??
Is there a way to make all but a few of the permissions non-custom? Every group has no visibility, except for in a couple of general forums and in their own team's forums. I'm still willing to try anything that might help.
By default the permissions will be inherited from the usergroup permissions. For example, if you disable 'Can post new threads?' in the usergroup setting, then when you make a new forum, that'll be set to No for that group already, so won't need to be a custom permission. What it sounds like has been done here, is the usergroup permissions are set to enable everything, and then for every forum, every group has loads of custom permissions set to undo that. What permissions have you actually got set for each group in each forum?? The only permission that doesn't work the same as described above is viewing forums... however, to get around that, I could write a quick (and lightweight) plugin that basically removes permission to view all forums from all groups. Then, you can go through and just give access to the groups that need to see each forum. That way, instead of having everybody have access to them and then have millions of permissions to stop most people seeing them, they'd not see any by default and you'd just give groups permission to view what they need.
I'd certainly give it a try!
Can you just confirm the permissions that are actually set for each group?? Is it literally just the permission to view the forum, or is anything else changed??
Your whole approach I think is insane. You're better off with some custom plugin to accomplish what you want.
Well, we have over 100 staffers working under different managers on completely different websites within our network. We need a place for the entire group to interact, but we also need to allow private, portal-specific interactions. Password-protected forums are one option, but pretty inconvenient, especially considering the high rate of attrition amongst volunteers. I'm not really sure what other options we have.
Hoping that Matt's idea will work. Certainly makes sense to me!
then why not have a usergroup for each project or manager and assign the forum permissions to those. then a single group of managers so they can interact and do admin stuff. you dont need a usergroup for each person/volunteer
My guess is that you're unorganized and you're over thinking your problem. Seems you had done this with VB then just converted to MyBB without really giving this a fresh look.
I'm very familiar with what MyBB can do. If you can share your site with me I might be able to tell you the most efficient way to manage this.
These forums started over 13 years ago on UBB, then moved to vBulltin 3.7. I joined the admin team about six months ago and decided a few weeks ago to move us to MyBB. It's also worth mentioning that I don't get to make decisions unilaterally. There is a team of admins who's worked on the site longer than I have, but who are not as familiar with ACP, plugins, etc. So yes, it is a mess, but it's not always cut-and-dry to clean up. I was able to work with them to trim approximately 40 usergroups (including some empty ones, some redundant ones, and some filled with inactive staff), but the remaining 59 have been hard for them to let go.
I'd be happy to have you look in the ACP, but I can't go trimming usergroups without the favorable general consensus of the other admins.
You have xcache installed on server. Use it. Will enhance performance greatly. You're php.ini needs to be adjusted as some of the settings are low. I sent you a PM with suggestions but overall I think you're fine. You'll be able to stay on MyBB once you make adjustments.
What you should do is this for usergroups.
1. Set all regular members who are not admins or superadmins into regular usergroup.
2. Set all your special groups as secondary additional groups.
3. Alter all special groups to have default no permissions by editing user Groups in admincp. Uncheck all the default options like "Can View Posts" and stuff.
4. Go into the forums where you plan to give special access and implicitly allow access with a Custom Permission.
That should lower the forum perms cache greatly. And it's not even that bad now at 12Mb. Somehow you're using 177M on a page load but I think it's because you're not using the cache.
You can fix this and improve performance.