Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week ago Problem installing British English language pack
Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week ago
Hello All,

I am a new MyBB user and new to this community. If I am posting this question in the wrong place, my apologies.

I am trying to install the British English language pack. This is on a test version of my forum running on a local computer. (I don't have a live version up and running yet.)

Following the instructions in the docs, I downloaded the relevant file ( English (UK) and unzipped it into my inc/languages folder. The contents of the folder now looks like this:

          lots of PHP files for the default (American English) languge
          lots of similar PHP files for UK English

But the new language is nowhere visible in the Admin or User CP.

I tried going to Admin CP > Configuration > Change Settings > General Configuration > Default Language. But the drop-down control still only shows "English (American)". Similarly, if I go to  Admin CP / Configuration / Languages, I can only see "English (American)" listed under "Installed Language Packs".

I have checked all the file permissions and can't see any problems.

More information:

The docs say:

Quote:The translation author should give you instructions via his or her readme on details including what the <language name> folder name should be.

There was no readme other information about the folder name, so I set it arbitrarily to englishgb (rightly or wrongly).

My version on MyBB is 1.8.15

Thanks in advance for any help.

Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week ago

(2018-06-22, 01:37 PM)Mike QS Wrote:
          lots of PHP files for the default (American English) languge
          lots of similar PHP files for UK English
that /inc/languages/ folder seems to be missing "englishgb.php" - if that file is there, the system ought to recognize the language pack
Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week ago
Thanks for the prompt reply. You are right that englishgb.php is missing. There was no file like that in the downloaded language pack.

I wonder if I can copy the existing english.php file and rename it to englishgb.php. I can see where to change the name of the language, but not how to point it to the relevant directory.

But I'll experiment - and then report back.


Success. I copied the existing english.php to englishgb.php. I changed this line:

$langinfo['name'] = "English (American)";

to this:

$langinfo['name'] = "English (British)";

And all seems OK now.

So thanks again, Mr. Linguist. I'm sure I'll have lots more questions as I continue to explore.


Hmm. I thought I just posted a new reply to say that everything is now OK. I must have done something wrong. It looks like I appended my new reply onto the end of my previous post. I don't know how I did that. But not to worry. The point is that the problem is now solved.

Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week ago
(2018-06-22, 03:19 PM)Mike QS Wrote: Hmm. I thought I just posted a new reply to say that everything is now OK. I must have done something wrong. It looks like I appended my new reply onto the end of my previous post. I don't know how I did that. But not to worry. The point is that the problem is now solved.


The forum software does that. It merges subsequent posts by the same user in the same thread for a certain amount of time.
Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week ago
(2018-06-22, 05:03 PM)linguist Wrote: The forum software does that. It merges subsequent posts by the same user in the same thread for a certain amount of time.

Ah, I see. I hadn't seen that in forum software before. I guess it's just a matter of getting used to it.


Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week ago
As the title of said thread states: "Problem installing British English (UK) language pack" and as the op states, the first issue is of missing file, I figured I would comment on the experience of same and further now years later again using the 1.8.6 dev pkg now on 1830 as such subject matter is relative.

Just some simple things quickly noticed as of late while using the existing lang pack (Build #1 (dev) 2016-03-09, 09:25 PM ) on 1830 while translating some plugins:

As op above noted the initial issue is firstly: the pkg is missing "englishgb.php", that was then and still is correct and as such, one needs to be created and added for "English (UK)"

Creation of such is rather self explanatory.

For example here is the current english.php file you can base off of:

 * MyBB 1.8 English Language Pack
 * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

// The friendly name of the language
$langinfo['name'] = "English (American)";

// The author of the language
$langinfo['author'] = "MyBB Group";

// The language authors website
$langinfo['website'] = "";

// The documentation site link
//$langinfo['docs_link'] = "";

// The documentation FAQs site link
//$langinfo['common_issues_link'] = "";

// The support website link
//$langinfo['support_link'] = "";

// The additional website name
//$langinfo['additional_name'] = " ";

// Compatible version of MyBB
$langinfo['version'] = "1828";

// Sets if the translation includes the Admin CP (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$langinfo['admin'] = 1;

// Sets if the language is RTL (Right to Left) (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$langinfo['rtl'] = 0;

// Sets the lang in the <html> on all pages
$langinfo['htmllang'] = "en";

// Sets the character set, blank uses the default.
$langinfo['charset'] = "UTF-8";

As is, there is an issue I want to make note of and will do that after the creation of the new gb file:

So in theory you can just make your en gb file englishgb.php like so:

 * MyBB 1.8 English GB Language Pack (UK)
 * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * Project Copyright 2016 flashydave, All Rights Reserved

// The friendly name of the language
$langinfo['name'] = "English (UK)";

// The author of the language
$langinfo['author'] = "flashydave";

// The language authors website
$langinfo['website'] = "";

// The documentation site link
$langinfo['docs_link'] = "";

// The documentation FAQs site link
$langinfo['common_issues_link'] = "";

// The support website link
$langinfo['support_link'] = "";

// The additional website name
$langinfo['additional_name'] = "";

// Compatible version of MyBB
$langinfo['version'] = "1828";

// Sets if the translation includes the Admin CP (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$langinfo['admin'] = 1;

// Sets if the language is RTL (Right to Left) (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$langinfo['rtl'] = 0;

// Sets the lang in the <html> on all pages
$langinfo['htmllang'] = "en";

// Sets the character set, blank uses the default.
$langinfo['charset'] = "UTF-8";


notice how the default english.php file uses:

// Sets the lang in the <html> on all pages
$langinfo['htmllang'] = "en";

as does the newly created englishgb.php file? That is the issue I was hinting to, and while yes this works, if  both files define as en and will work if you need to then later do any css based translations definative to say as far as english translations, all must be defined as only "en" as is...

it does not in a sense work if you need to do css based translations definative to say en-us and or en-gb

Thus the issue...

example of where as such in default you would not be able to translate via css correctly:

  /* english */
    content: 'some text for en';

This will only work if both english files are set to "en"

Now if you define like:

  /* english us */
    content: 'some text for en-us';
  /* english gb */
    content: 'some text for en-gb';

-- This will not work if both english files are set to "en"

-- This will work if english files are set correctly to "en-us" & "en-gb" ...make sense?!!!

So, in theory, when you think in that mindset, then as such there is actually the primary def of "en" and sub defs as such is something one may find the need to factor in the future if finding the need to css translate something for whatever reasons be it say in a plugin, template or theme stylesheet say for example in 1,2,3 diff ways for "en" / "en-" / "en-" translations later on for example:

ie: primary def, sub def, sub def...

  /* english */
    content: 'some text for en';
  /* english us */
    content: 'some text for en-us';
  /* english gb */
    content: 'some text for en-gb';

thus why I pointed to the issue in the respective lang pack definition file by default

As thus will fail because by default they define the default English lang pack "en" when in fact it should be en-us since they titled it english (american, ie: english us, en-us) * hopefully that makes sense, lol.

so in reality the default english (US) ie: en-us lang files should be changed to:

in english.php
// Sets the lang in the <html> on all pages
$langinfo['htmllang'] = "en-us";

and english (UK) ie: en-gb

in englishgb.php
// Sets the lang in the <html> on all pages
$langinfo['htmllang'] = "en-gb";

This also is something handy to think on as for example some other languages like German for one example, there are more than one translation of such in the pack, but both german dirs in pack define say as "de" rather than factoring "subs" and as such any future desire to say css translate anything would have to use only the primary define "de"

  /* german */
    content: 'some text for de';

Mkay, hopefully that was simple enough to understand and also makes sense as to why I pointed out something that can be considered an existing issue.

Once that is done, the lang package shall be recognized and usable, but, as such these days in 1830 such is rather outdated as one will notice quickly once lang file is created and lang pack is recognized.

Next, as far as such package being back from 1.8.6 and now say using currently there are a handful of things missing and this will touch on a few simply to start getting one sorted...

frontend side...

global.lang.php needs such added:
$l['forum_closed'] = "Forum is Closed";
$l['confirm_title'] = "Please Confirm";
$l['expcol_collapse'] = '[-]';
$l['expcol_expand'] = '[+]';
$l['bottomlinks_forumteam'] = "Forum Team";
$l['bottomlinks_markread'] = "Mark all forums read";
$l['today_rel'] = "<span title=\"{1}\">Today</span>";
$l['ratings_update_error'] = 'There was an error updating the rating.';
$l['folder_unread'] = "Unread";
$l['editor_mixer'] = "Mixer";
$l['timezone_gmt_850'] = "(GMT +8:30) Pyongyang";
$l['timezone_gmt_875'] = "(GMT +8:45) Eucla";

index.lang.php needs such added:
$l['board_stats_link_separator'] = ' | ';

showthread.lang.php needs such added:
$l['post_deleted_error'] = 'You can not perform this action to a deleted post.';

memberlist.lang.php needs such added:
$l['exactly'] = "Exactly:";

search.lang.php needs such added:
$l['sort_views'] = "Sort Results by view count";
$l['sort_replies'] = "Sort Results by reply count";

usercp.lang.php needs such added:
$l['closed_thread'] = "Closed Thread";

member.lang.php needs such added:
$l['registration_ip'] = "Registration IP:";
$l['last_known_ip'] = "Last Known IP:";

forumdisplay.php needs such added:
$l['closed_thread'] = "Closed Thread";

Admin side...

admin/config_module_meta.lang.php needs such added:
$l['report_reasons'] = "Report Reasons";

admin/user_module_meta.lang.php needs such added:
$l['awaiting_activation'] = "Awaiting Activation";

admin/forum_management.lang.php needs such added:
$l['forum_thread_prefixes'] = "Thread Prefixes";

admin/forum_attachments.lang.php needs such added:
$l['poster_is'] = "Poster is";
$l['poster_is_either'] = "User or Guest";
$l['poster_is_user'] = "Users Only";
$l['poster_is_guest'] = "Guests Only";

admin/config_thread_prefixes.lang.php needs such added:
$l['forums'] = "Available in Forums";

admin/config_badwords.lang.php needs such added:
$l['add_bad_word_desc'] = "Here you can add a word filter and its replacement.";
$l['regex'] = "Regular Expression";

admin/config_questions.lang.php needs such added:
$l['shown'] = "Shown";
$l['preview_question'] = "Preview Question";

admin/style_templates.lang.php needs such added:
$l['group_mycode'] = "MyCode";

admin/style_themes.lang.php needs such added:
$l['theme_thumbnail'] = "Theme Thumbnail";

etc, etc... & most likely more as one notices / finds such, but, just noting here initially at least the first few warnings about such noticed in relation to subject matter and current usage.
Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week ago
As it's been a while since the op opened this topic Just thought I'd post to say I'm yet another frustrated new (hope to be) user who has just spent hours trying to do discover where the missing README was, let alone the missing file.

If flashydave is not about any more to update his own work, surely someone with the kind of skills that ic_myXMB displays can be authorised to to upload a corrected version.

However, I remain reasonably positive that MyBB might meet my needs.

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