Not Solved Bot seems like by passing Registration Security Question plugin
Not Solved Exclamation 
I just reset all questions and changed them. Now i am checking and there are a lot more bot registrations that the total number of questions answers which means they are registering somehow without answering Registration Security Question

I mean this plugin

How on earth this is possible ?

my forum :
Pokemon Style With Lots Of Maps Monster MMORPG Game Developer
Not Solved
Try making your questions relevant to your forum content rather than being math based.
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

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Remember, not all spam comes from bots. A good majority is still from human spammers (cheap labor from third world countries) which requires human intervention to eliminate. A plugin can only do so much.
No longer involved in the MyBB project.
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Customize the questions and as Leefish said make them relevant to your forum.
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(2012-11-11, 08:36 PM)Leefish Wrote: Try making your questions relevant to your forum content rather than being math based.

(2012-11-11, 08:37 PM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: Remember, not all spam comes from bots. A good majority is still from human spammers (cheap labor from third world countries) which requires human intervention to eliminate. A plugin can only do so much.

(2012-11-11, 10:07 PM)JordanMussi Wrote: Customize the questions and as Leefish said make them relevant to your forum.

i don't think so you understand what i mean

basically this bots are registering without answering my security question

because the correct answers count does not match the registered person count

actually even correct + wrong count still not catching registered member count

registered member count is a lot higher
Pokemon Style With Lots Of Maps Monster MMORPG Game Developer
Not Solved
Well you must of had some members before you installed the plugin
Not Solved
Do you have users that you've created for "testing"?
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(2012-11-13, 08:19 AM)JordanMussi Wrote: Well you must of had some members before you installed the plugin

what i mean is very clear

the new registered member count is extremely higher than the correctly given answer count after all answers got deleted and re-made with 0 stats
Pokemon Style With Lots Of Maps Monster MMORPG Game Developer
Not Solved
anyone have any idea ?
Pokemon Style With Lots Of Maps Monster MMORPG Game Developer
Not Solved
Did you try registering without answering the question? Does it work?

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