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[For 1.6] TTINNO - Thread Titles and Static Links in Next Newest/Oldest
Released 1.1 with updates that Omar has suggested Smile
Also cleaned up some of the templates due to some missing curly brackets Toungue
Thanks, Polarbear541
(clears throat)

"God bless you Mr Po-lar-bear,
My request please don't deny
I really want to use this mod
and I will tell you why

I want to go to nextest thread -
But always to the top,
Right now it goes to lastest POST
Can this be made to stop?

By going to the t-op of thread
the mod would be quite ace
please can you make this change to it
or I will squidge your face*"

* only rhyme I could think of

Ahem. Polarbear, is there any chance that you could modify this mod so that when I select NEXT or PREV it takes me to the top of the thread rather than the last post? I think this would be a nice extra and it would make a bit more sense than the MyBB default.

Thank you
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

Sure thing Smile I'll look into it later :p
Ps Loving the Christmas poem ^_^
Thanks, Polarbear541
Ah if you enable 'TTINNO Static Links On/Off' in 'Show Thread Options' then your wish will come true Toungue

This way it actually fetches the thread id previous to the one you are looking at. Otherwise it will just use the normal functions (i.e. thread-123-nextnewest.html etc.) which default to the last post.
Thanks, Polarbear541
Hmm, I have it like that and it is still taking me down to the last post. Is the plugin looking for a specific string?
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

Strange, if that option is enabled it should just link directly to the thread id.

		if($mybb->settings['ttinno_static_onoff'] == 1)
			$ttinno_prevlink = get_thread_link($prevthread['tid']);
			$ttinno_prevlink = get_thread_link($thread['tid'],"","nextoldest");	
Where $prevthread is the thread which it has selected from the DB. I assume the thread it links to is correct?

Maybe if you give me/send me a linky I might be able to take a look Toungue
Thanks, Polarbear541
XTHREADS - did not auto replace so I chucked it in the templates -AND IT WORKS. You star Big Grin

"Oh superstar of MYBBeeeee mods
How sweet you are to me

The hopes and plans of XXXXXX-thread fans
Can all come true this week"

* Leefish is in a Christmas mood
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

Ah that makes sense you would have been using a default template for the next newest/oldest links Toungue
I take it you added in both bits for previous and next?
Anyways glad its working for you Smile
Thanks, Polarbear541
Yus - look at this Big Grin
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

Good good Toungue
You can get rid of those hyphens if you like on lines 93 and 117 ^_^.
Thanks, Polarbear541

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