I apologize if this has been brought up before, but I couldn't find anything on it. I am (as always) greatly enjoying this plugin, it really adds value to my forums, particularly with the other customizations I have. There are just two minor issues I'm having:
1. The Theme Exclude list occasionally resets itself. I'm not entirely sure what makes it reset, but it always seems to be connected to when I make an edit to my templates (not the templates for Advanced Sidebox, but templates for my theme). Sometimes when I make an edit it remains fine, other times it resets, and I haven't worked out what exactly makes it do that. Any ideas?
2. I would like to replace the normal portal sideboxes with the ones from this plugin, but I have some customizations to the portal page that disappear when I enable that option. Namely, I have a couple of center boxes that appear above the announcements feed (which disappear if I enable replacing the portal boxes). Here is a link to my portal page, so that you can see what I mean:
http://kerfufflealliance.com/portal.php. The sideboxes on the right also disappear, since I added those manually (they aren't added with this plugin). Which is another reason why it would be great to fix this issue, because then I could manage those sideboxes with this plugin also.
I am perfectly fine with going into a file and manually editing it to include my customizations if that's what would be needed to make them show up when I enable replacing the portal boxes. I could just use a pointer as to where I should go.
Let me know if you need any more info to troubleshoot, and thanks again for the plugin.