Not Solved InfernoShoutbox not working.
Not Solved
I know you must get this all the time, but I just got my forums up and running, and the shoutbox isn't working. Will I provide a link to my page so you can see what's happening? I don't know if that's classed as advertising/allowed. Basically, it just shows loading... all the time.

Can anyone help? If needed, I can provide a link to the forums aswell.
Thanks in advance.
Nemmy Smile
Not Solved
if you have installed MyBB 1.8 then inferno shoutbox is not officially available for it.
modified version by Clank is working for many users (Link)
Not Solved
Pretty sure I'm using MyBB 1.6, not 1.8.
I only know this because when I installed that, it said it's not compatible with MyBB 1.6
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forum url & test user account required so that someone can check the issue
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Here's my forum url:
I need to make another test user account?

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