Sidebar Plugin
^ what exactly you want to display with sidebar ? is it required for index page only ?
I want it to display on my forums index page.

I would like to have it where I have a block that I can insert links/navigation. Have a generic block where I can put an ad or something. Thats it.

I will have probably 3 to 4 blocks. 1 being navigation.. the others being generic so I can add random html into it for ads.

Only thing is, I want to be able to pull the style sheet from the forums... so the headers/title area matches the forums headers/titles.

As you can see the portal option has what I am looking for.. but editing those sidebars? and inserting my forums
Web & Graphic Designer | Gamer | Custom Ride Fabrication | Sports Junkie
in that case, you can use manual coding for the side bar ..

find {$forums} on the index template of the theme and change it like below
<div class="forum float_left"  style="width: 75%;">{$forums}</div>
<div class="sidebar float_right" style="width: 25%;"> 
// here you can add html code for tables or divs with required content
Hey .m. what if I wanted to make it global? Is that a possibility?
Web & Graphic Designer | Gamer | Custom Ride Fabrication | Sports Junkie
yes, might require style adjustments

at the bottom of header template you can have code for the sidebar & starting
code for the forums section and end it in the footer template of the theme

header template - at the bottom you can add
<div class="sidebar float_left" style="width : 25%">// side bar content</div>
						<div class="forum float_right" style="width : 75%">

footer template - find code similar to <div id="footer"> and change like below
</div> <!-- added  feb 2016 -->
<div id="footer">
You are on point .m.

Little more modifications and it will be good to go. But that did exactly what I needed!
Web & Graphic Designer | Gamer | Custom Ride Fabrication | Sports Junkie
Thanks for the awesome post.

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