(2010-02-16, 04:57 PM)Prtik Wrote: I changed the file syndication.php to show the name of the author.
Hello Prtik and/or Querschlaeger,
Just to ask about the name of the author of the post. I switched from Twitterfeed into Dlvr.it trying to pull also the name of the author or the username of my board in the RSS Feeds who goes to my board´s Facebook page and my board´s Twitter account.
All selected posts goes well in both destinations but only is possible to include: Title (Post subject in MyBB), Shortened Post Link (The actual MyBB´s Post Link, not the Thread Link), and the Post Body (The actual 450 max MyBB post´characters allowed). Since all current feeds are posted under the name of the board and since no Name of the Author is being pulled via RSS, how can I, at least, to pull the Username to be inside the Post Body somehow so people outside, knows who is posting.
Prtik said he managed to re-mod it so the author shows up, I downloaded the latest Syndication2 file, uploaded it via FTP, created the RSS path but...is something missing?, do you recommend the use of another tool instead twitterfeed or Dlvr.it to have the Author also being pulled off?
For me this Mod is very valuable and thanks for creating it.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestion.