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[For 1.6 & 1.4] Donation Page 2.1 (Updated September 10, 2010 and New Feature!)
Whitespace can cause a whole host of issues; even if it works right for you, that doesn't mean it will work right for everyone else. Wink

As for the quotes, double quotes are parsed by PHP for variables and other objects which takes more time. Using single quotes is almost always better, using concatenation for variables (concatenation with echo is slower than using commas though).

I'm a little OCD about code readability and all the little technical stuff. Toungue
[Image: 422.png]
But you should care about single and double quotes, they may have undesired side effects if you're not expecting them.
For example, if you're used to use double quotes and you use the function find_replace_templatesets (a MyBB function) you'll find out that it will not work because it will try to replace the variables inside the double quotes with their value, and usually they have no value because that's done on activation.
This is just an example. (I havent seen anything wrong in your code though).

Indentation should always be used to keep the code clean and easy to read by your or by others.

All my plugins are available for free at MyBB Extend and on my GitHub. has been closed and none of my plugins are officially maintained or supported.
Nice plugin, might use it Smile

Thanks Zash!
My Company - I am Microsoft Certified in HTML5, CSS3 and JS
(2009-09-03, 12:58 AM)Zash Wrote: *Your PayPal account MUST be Premier or Business for this plugin to work.
Personal accounts can create donate buttons but don't have access to "extra" features business and premier do. Not sure if this plugin uses those "extra" features as I don't know what features are exactly "extra". Maybe you could check that Zash
All my plugins are available for free at MyBB Extend and on my GitHub. has been closed and none of my plugins are officially maintained or supported.
I'm pretty sure you can't make donation buttons with Personal accounts. But then again I don't have a Personal account.

Can somebody who has one make sure?
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Just to clarify, personal accounts can create donation buttons. At least they could 2 weeks ago before I upgraded my paypal account.
@Zash I tried to make one before posting
All my plugins are available for free at MyBB Extend and on my GitHub. has been closed and none of my plugins are officially maintained or supported.
Ah OK Smile I will include that info with my next update.
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Great Plugin, Thanks Smile

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