2010-05-07, 07:10 AM
MyBC2 is a Battlefield Bad Company 2 Statistics Tracker for MyBB that shows a user's Battlefield bad Company 2 Statistice within their profile. This plugin uses the BFBCS.COM API to pull stats.
1) Choose which version of MyBC2 you wissh to install - there is a different version for each of the three platforms (XBox 360, PS3 and PC). You can only have one version installed at a time at the moment (expect this to change) so you must choose which version you wish to use.
2) upload the contents of the folder of your platform choice to your MyBB Root (I've placed the plugin within the inc/plugin directory so you just need to upload the whole inc folder and you're done)
3) Activate via ACP
4) Modify the settings as required
5) Set the Field ID of the Gamertag/PSN ID/PC ID profile field if you've already got one. If you didn't have suchj a field before installing, leave the current value alone as a field is automatically created for you.
6) Set your PSN/ID/Gamertag/PC ID via the User CP
7) Enjoy!
The box doesn't show up on my profile!
Have you activated the plugin and made sure it's turned on via the ACP?
Check that {$mybc2} has been added to the member_profile template.
Make sure you've added a valid gamertag/PSN ID/PC ID that has actually got some BC2 stats associated with it.
Make sure you server supports cURL.
Click here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/650124/MyBC2.zip
Or, see the attachment.
- Your server must support cURL
- I haven't tested either the PC or PS3 versions of this plugin, so I'd love comments on these versions.
- Sometimes, BFBCS API doesn't have a user's info. Upon being called, it'll be added to their tracking queue and results should appear within 24 hours.
1) Choose which version of MyBC2 you wissh to install - there is a different version for each of the three platforms (XBox 360, PS3 and PC). You can only have one version installed at a time at the moment (expect this to change) so you must choose which version you wish to use.
2) upload the contents of the folder of your platform choice to your MyBB Root (I've placed the plugin within the inc/plugin directory so you just need to upload the whole inc folder and you're done)
3) Activate via ACP
4) Modify the settings as required
5) Set the Field ID of the Gamertag/PSN ID/PC ID profile field if you've already got one. If you didn't have suchj a field before installing, leave the current value alone as a field is automatically created for you.
6) Set your PSN/ID/Gamertag/PC ID via the User CP
7) Enjoy!
The box doesn't show up on my profile!
Have you activated the plugin and made sure it's turned on via the ACP?
Check that {$mybc2} has been added to the member_profile template.
Make sure you've added a valid gamertag/PSN ID/PC ID that has actually got some BC2 stats associated with it.
Make sure you server supports cURL.
Click here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/650124/MyBC2.zip
Or, see the attachment.