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[For 1.6] MyBBPublisher v2.0
Yeah .. me too .. I have problems when I'm trying to update / delete the posts.
I will look into it some more, but I am not having any issues that are plugin related with the released version.

Are you getting error messages? If so, what are they? Which service, TW or FB or both?

I have some updates to add for the 1.1 version and I will test altering how it handles thread updates/deletes. Part of the issue is that the Twitter network quirky and their API kind of sucks.

Also, as the Twitter and Facebook classes are those service's official APIs, I really don't want to start editing them.

I might have some time this week to fiddle with it.
Version 1.1 posted to the mods site and awaiting validation. Changes include very minor security issues addressed above, language support for status messages and improved edit/delete support of threads and announcements.

Hopefully the issues some of you are having will be corrected. However, as this plugin is dependent on third party connectivity, it may not always work properly. This is most common with Twitter where the service is often overloaded and your connection is denied, or the Tweet is not fully propagated across all of their servers and edits generate Twitter errors of duplicate content.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
Huh Silly question but...where is the link to download mypublisher? I have look every where...well every where except for where it is. lol

the plugin is awaiting validation on the Mods site, Once validated it will be available at the link in the first post.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
Ahhhh...okay...I though for a moment I was that newbie that could see what was right in front of my face. lol. Okay...I will be waiting with bells on. :-)
thanks very much...
will use this Smile
Ok I can an error when I make a new thread in my specified forums. In the ACP there is a field for 'TWITTER Access Token Secret' although When I created an application these are the only options I got:

Ok nevermind Got that sorted, but when I go make a new thread it doesn't Tweet it and there is no Access Token or Access Token Secret in the fields, how do I get these?
please follow the included readme files as they outline the specific steps and locations of the required data.

the access token and secret values are specific to your account and can be found on the twitter dev site on the right side when veiwing your app where it says access token
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
When you register an app on twitter what do you have to write in those fields?
whatever you want really. You need to give it a name (this name will appear on the tweet as the source, i.e. via MyPublisher, via web, via Twitterfeed, etc). I'd prefer you call it MyPublisher to help get exposure for the plugin, but its up to you.

description is optional though I would prefer a linkback to my site at , but not required

organization you can use your domain name, set to browser, callback can be your URL, read&write access, whatever icon you like.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.

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