First of all, thanks to AJS for working on this. I am always grateful to developers who so generously give their time and effort (usually for free too) to help with these great plug-ins.
A note about stealth mode though and its advantages:
There are really three modes I would like to be able to operate in...
1. Open (transparent)
2. Partial (translucent)
3. Closed (opaque)
Open mode would allow users to see when an admin is online, what they are doing, what they are viewing, etc.
Partial mode would allow users to see when an admin is online, but not what they are doing or viewing.
Closed mode would allow you to select "Hide Me From Who's Online List" and your profile AND memberlist would NOT disclose when you were last online.
* There are times as an admin when I am conflicted because I don't want to appear as an absentee landlord, but also, something is going on or someone is trolling and I am closely monitoring them and I don't want my profile to show what I am viewing or the memberlist to show that I am online *
Honestly, most of the time I would prefer to be in "translucent" or "partial" mode as described above, where they could see I'm online, but not what page I am viewing.