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[For 1.6] MyShowcase System 2.5.2
Ok done mate,

Now I have this error:

/home/xxx/xxx/ does not exist

Anyways in languages I copied everything to my spanish language folder.

Thanks for your support mate.

I do not supply non-english language files.

However, if the forum's default language is set to espanol, then the langauge file that was missing should have been created there and not in the english folder. If your personal (user level) language is set to spanish, then the file will not have been created.

As and FYI a new language file is created for every fieldset you make, but only in the forums default language. There are some standard language files as well, but each fieldset gets a new file created automatically.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
But there is no way to redirect all data to espanol folder? It doesn't matter if it's in English
as with most plugins, only one language set is provided and that has to be english in order to post it to the Mods site here.

so if you setup the plugin originally at use the espanol folder (by simply renaming the english folder to espanol) and then uploading, all the fiels would exist. this is how you should do all plugins that are english only and you want to simply use it as-is and translate later.

however, due to the dynamic nature of the language files for fieldsets, its far too difficult to process multiple languages during the field set editing. so I just use the default language you have set for your forum. I could simply write to the default and then copy it to all the other languages folders you have, but that would overwrite any translations you had already done.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
Yes I understand.

I'll try to find a way then.

Thanks sir!
Meh, didn't found a way to fix that ;(

I have a website of Opel Astra and I would like to have this plugin.


I am having trouble getting this plugin to work.

Here is what I have do so far

-Upload ok, activation ok.
-Created a fieldset ( really don't understand the HTML / Field Type options)
-Created a showcase using the main showcase file, created a image folder etc.
-Changed the settings of the showcase
-Created Table

All that seemed to go ok.

Navigated to mysite/showcase.php and something has obviously gone wrong.

Normally my sites header looks like this: (this is my livesite, this plugin is getting tested on a testsite, link can be provided via PM if necessary).

However when I navigate to the live site all images / backgrounds etc where stripped out. It did say the showcase, view, comment, etc, but on a while plain background.

EDIT: The button to create a new showcase is missing, though I can click on the link. However it doesn't load, it states the link is broken: Oops! This link appears to be broken.

Please can you help? I need to know how to ensure this plugin works with my theme.
Also if you can give more info on the HTML and Field Type. For example I want to create a drop down list that users can only select certain options in one field, can this be done?

Thank you.
(2012-02-01, 08:41 PM)Disciple of Nagash Wrote: Hi.

I am having trouble getting this plugin to work.

Here is what I have do so far

-Upload ok, activation ok.
-Created a fieldset ( really don't understand the HTML / Field Type options)
-Created a showcase using the main showcase file, created a image folder etc.
-Changed the settings of the showcase
-Created Table

All that seemed to go ok.

Navigated to mysite/showcase.php and something has obviously gone wrong.

Normally my sites header looks like this: (this is my livesite, this plugin is getting tested on a testsite, link can be provided via PM if necessary).

However when I navigate to the live site all images / backgrounds etc where stripped out. It did say the showcase, view, comment, etc, but on a while plain background.

EDIT: The button to create a new showcase is missing, though I can click on the link. However it doesn't load, it states the link is broken: Oops! This link appears to be broken.

You need to place the included newshowcase.png file, or create one, in the theme's image/language folder.

(2012-02-01, 08:41 PM)Disciple of Nagash Wrote: Please can you help? I need to know how to ensure this plugin works with my theme.

You should send me the test URL and perhaps an test account with showcase permissions.

(2012-02-01, 08:41 PM)Disciple of Nagash Wrote: Also if you can give more info on the HTML and Field Type. For example I want to create a drop down list that users can only select certain options in one field, can this be done?

Thank you.

HTML type is exactly that, the type of HTML input form object to display or how the data is displayed.
  • Textbox input is a basic text input box (like the subject of a new reply form) during an edit and is displayed as a single line during a view
  • Textarea input is a basic textarea input box (like the message body of a new reply form) during an edit and is displayed as multiline text during a view
  • db is a select box (like thread prefix of a new thread form) during edit and is displayed as a single line item during a view. These fields store their contents in the database and are editable during setup.
  • radio and checkbox types are radio buttons and check boxes to select from fixed options.
  • URL is a textbox box during edit, but output is as a clickable link
  • Date is a set of select boxes that have month, day and year showing during edit for the user to pick a data. during view, its output as a US style date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Field type is the type of field in the database and should be based on the type of data you expect to find in field you are creating
  • varchar is alphanumeric, pretty much any character is allowed. the typical max length allowed is 255 however some databases accept up to 65,535 characters
  • int is integers only, ranging from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648
  • bigint is for integers also, but much larger numbers -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,808
  • text which allows nearly any character up to 65,535 characters.
  • timestamp is not a real field type, but it assumes type that supports unix style timestamps in integer format.

for your question about dropdowns, yes you can. use the DB html type. Field type does not matter and the system will force a field type compatible with the way it stores the contents. Once you create a DB field, use the Controls > Edit options to create new items to select from.

Please see the built-in Help Page for more details and requirements.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
Just wondering how to increase the field limit of my Additional Info field. The current limits for the textarea field are min char:1, max:20. But descriptions over a certain length give the following error:

The length of the Addtional Info text is too long. Please enter less information. Entered: Additional Info Allowed 618

The original max length was 15, but it still pops up the same error after changing to 20. Thanks for any help.
[Image: mybbsig.php]
Please review the built-in Help page.

Quote:Special Case: Please note that for textarea HTML types, the minimum value is used to determine the minimum length of the content. However, the maximum value is an HTML formatting value that is used to define the number of rows in the textarea form object.

Also, the character limit for text area fields in a given showcase are controlled via the Showcase Edit controls. Please locate "Text Type Fields: Max characters for Text type fields" on the Other tab while editing a showcase in the ACP
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
Hello pavemen! Absolutely amazing plugin, and everything worked like a charm, setting up new fields, editing around, making it work, creating different showcases running beside each other, and so on and so forth. Except for one thing. Editing existing entries... it does not save the changes. I tried to narrow down the problem, removed all the entries, uninstalled, and just made a plain single showcase. I used the shipped-with "trucks" fieldset as well as trying it with a newly created one, but the error remains the same. Uploaded it to a different testforum, same problem.

I have disabled the moderation of new or edited events, and made sure the respective usergroup is allowed to edit their own entries.

I am opening the "showcase.php" via the forum, clicking "new entry", filling out required fields, clicking "save". Then I click "edit", change some values (( or just one )), save it, but nothing actually changes. Not even with strg+F5 refresh, no closing and opening browser, and not letting time pass. The strange thing is, I do not get an error message after I submit the changes of the edit.

Any idea what I could have possibly done wrong?

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