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Full Version: myBB 1.2 BETA
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(That does not include changed templates - and almost every template has been changed in one way or another for 1.2)
Ryan Ashbrook Wrote:I'm pretty sure most mods will not work with 1.2.

Because of new coding standards by the Devs.

All is explained in Chris Boulton's Blog at
this sound more like a major update =/

in wikipedia says something about 1.x need to follow the same shitz0r, or something like that and if this dont follow that is a major update or something like that
I have only read the versioning system part of the Wiki once. I mainly stick around the Themes And Templates section.
Here are two (copy pasted) suggestions which I originally wrote for denistt's mybb 1.2 forums:

There should seriously be a reputation report button integrated in the board for easy adminisatration of reps.
Would it be possible to add the admin permission "Can access board while it is closed/offline" for security reasons? (as some admins may try to modify something while they shouldn't or something)
We're basically feature-frozen at this point.
Feature frozen? Confused
Meaning no new features will be added to the 1.2.0 code and from now on it is bug fixes only.
Alright, good enough. Your code, your rulesToungue But be sure to consider them for the future pleaseSmile
.Lou Wrote:Alright, good enough. Your code, your rulesToungue But be sure to consider them for the future pleaseSmile

Isn't that supposed to be what mods are for? To extend the board.

If they included every possible feature into mybb it would make the board harder to use/administrate and also cause the download to be much bigger.

That is why mods are so nice. You can have a much smaller mybb download, but yet extend the board how you want with the features you want.
Do the language files work with MyBB 1.2? If not, how can I update these?
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