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What I picked up (and what I suggested in the staff thread) from the suggestions is that the Showcase forum would remain pretty much the same, perhaps with a new name to avoid confusions. And then we'll setup something new where we highlight the best MyBB forums. Sounds pretty good to me, no?
(2012-07-17, 07:29 PM)wils172 Wrote: [ -> ]Honestly I completely disagree with trying to limited users ability to showcase their new sites here for whatever reason.. The first mybb copy I showcased here was dreadful.. and the only reason I got to where I am today is b/c of the harsh criticisms I received that motivated me to improve..

Sure not everyone will turn out like me and if they did frankly then the world we live in would be nothing but rainbows and butterflies b/c everyone would be perfect..

Having a place to 'learn your lesson' is very valuable in this community I believe and something we shouldn't look down on, but rather be proud of..

I totally agree that we need a place to allow new users to show their work. I just don't think it should be called Showcase. Showcase is the best of the best - what MyBB can be. I suggest a NEW forum to replace the showcase we have today - it should be for showing off your modification and getting help.

I think having the possibility of being invited to post to a Showcase forum would be very encouraging for many users and might actually help to improve the forums we see.

GAH - Sniped. Yes Fabio.
(2012-07-17, 07:29 PM)wils172 Wrote: [ -> ]Honestly I completely disagree with trying to limited users ability to showcase their new sites here for whatever reason.. The first mybb copy I showcased here was dreadful.. and the only reason I got to where I am today is b/c of the harsh criticisms I received that motivated me to improve..

Sure not everyone will turn out like me and if they did frankly then the world we live in would be nothing but rainbows and butterflies b/c everyone would be perfect..

Having a place to 'learn your lesson' is very valuable in this community I believe and something we shouldn't look down on, but rather be proud of..

Oh i dont disagree with that wils, but what i am trying to say is MyBB should showcase what the software is capable off. And the feedback forum for all the sites should be called something differently.

Now somebody who never used the forum software comes to sees the showcase section and starts to view forums.
All.. or atleast 75%+ have tabs to many sections etc. and more then half of them doesnt want to learn.

Yes there are exceptions like the billards(?) forum owner. But thats like one in a million. Half just want to showcase their forum and dont care about the feedback.

Now a place to showcase a forum should be something to show what MyBB is capable off. And for feedback etc you can use a feedback forum.

Its more the name currently then anything that gets to me. Since it doesnt showcase what MyBB can do. And thats a shame, hopefully there will be a MyBB chosen showcase section showcasing forums that have proven how well they work in various area's.
I think we are all on the same page then.. I just want to be sure the showcase as it exists today is still intact in someway, shape, or form..
One last and small suggestion for the new "Showcase thingie" if it becomes a forum section please remove the thread rating system from it. Since there is no need to have it at that spot, you choose which forums belong in that section and then it shouldnt become a competition who has the highest thread rating. (But i think in 1.8 this system was already removed, atleast i read that somewhere before. So it might not even be necessary to mention it)
My only suggestion if you try to create a 'showcase/trophy hall' type of forum is to be careful with the way it's setup and the requirements for being able to showoff there.. It could become very upsetting to some who feel they are being treated unfairly by not being allowed in while their direct competion is.. say for instance you showcase 'audentio' for it's great theme service but don't showoff 'pixelmonkey'
This rule idea would not work. Can not limit people showing forums for having tabs.

We COULD do it where you are not allowed to advertise a forum UNDER 1k posts and it MUST have a TLD.
(2012-07-17, 07:35 PM)Fábio Maia Wrote: [ -> ]What I picked up (and what I suggested in the staff thread) from the suggestions is that the Showcase forum would remain pretty much the same, perhaps with a new name to avoid confusions. And then we'll setup something new where we highlight the best MyBB forums. Sounds pretty good to me, no?

This is exactly what I have been pitching for what, a year or two? The only difference is I thought it should be done on the blog, but it doesn't matter where really.
(2012-07-17, 07:53 PM)Roach Wrote: [ -> ]This rule idea would not work. Can not limit people showing forums for having tabs.

We COULD do it where you are not allowed to advertise a forum UNDER 1k posts and it MUST have a TLD.

I should adjust the original post :3

But anyways that idea is out of the window and simply replaced by a rename of the current showcase forum to something like:

"Looking for Feedback".

And a new Showcase section/page which only shows forums that are picked by MyBB themself. To showcase what MyBB can do when in the right hands.
(2012-07-17, 07:29 PM)wils172 Wrote: [ -> ]Honestly I completely disagree with trying to limited users ability to showcase their new sites here for whatever reason.. The first mybb copy I showcased here was dreadful.. and the only reason I got to where I am today is b/c of the harsh criticisms I received that motivated me to improve..

I don't think you can make the argument that you are where you are today because people were overly critical. Or rather, that being overly critical, harsh as you say, makes people create a better forum. If anything it is discouraging.

Criticism is fine, but there is a line between being helpful and otherwise that I feel needs to be restored in this forum.
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