(2012-08-01, 12:17 PM)Leefish Wrote: [ -> ]I think that the biggest "problem" on Showcase is that it is being used for Work in Progress sites. We have seen a couple that are good from the get go, but many are "hey, look at my empty board with the default theme - PM me to be staff". Maybe a requirement that there has to be X posts on their board first BEFORE posting in Showcase? It doesn't have to be a huge amount - fifty posts and ten threads would weed out most of them
I just wished they would rename the showcase to:
"Looking for feedback"
Add a sticky with common mistakes at the top of the forum.
And make a proper showcase forum. Where the Mybb team picks the forums they want to showcase. Now you dont really showcase what the software is possible of doing. Take for example harajuju that shows what is possible.
But for 1 of those forums their are 20 empty, tab filled million sub forum couting forums.
Yes they deserve feedback but its not a showcase this way, its a looking for feedback and personal promotion of their site. While a good showcase should show new people who dont use the software how great it can be/is.
(2012-08-01, 11:49 AM)anori Wrote: [ -> ]It doesnt touch any of the problems lately though, the amount of tabs being used pointlessly, the usage of VIP when the admin is the only member on the site. All that stuff which you could pretty much make a word document to copy paste from. Like pointed out a couple of pages ago.
None of those things are problems in terms of the showcase forum. They may not be considered conducive to building a successful site by most people here, but we can't make a rule that every single site in showcase must conform to our idea of a "good" site.
If you think a lot of people could improve their forums with the same set of advice then feel free to write a tutorial and submit it to the user submitted tutorials section. Then you could always reference it when giving individual feedback to users in showcase.
(2012-08-02, 08:18 AM)Tim B. Wrote: [ -> ] (2012-08-01, 11:49 AM)anori Wrote: [ -> ]It doesnt touch any of the problems lately though, the amount of tabs being used pointlessly, the usage of VIP when the admin is the only member on the site. All that stuff which you could pretty much make a word document to copy paste from. Like pointed out a couple of pages ago.
None of those things are problems in terms of the showcase forum. They may not be considered conducive to building a successful site by most people here, but we can't make a rule that every single site in showcase must conform to our idea of a "good" site.
If you think a lot of people could improve their forums with the same set of advice then feel free to write a tutorial and submit it to the user submitted tutorials section. Then you could always reference it when giving individual feedback to users in showcase.
Wasnt talking about rules tim, i mean more in the sense of ideas or things that have happend often. In no way would this be rules, everybody is free to do what they wish. But it has happend so often that you see one and the same model used.
And i think we both know, almost all of the showcase threads im talking about, none would read any of these guides/tutorials.
Otherwise the guides of for example Brat-t, Roach etc would be read by them to.
While you can easily argue adding it as a sticky at the top of the page is rather pointless to. Since now they already dont read the current sticky about the "rules". It would atleast be something that could be easily referenced.
Ah well, it doesnt really matter the showcase format wont change.