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Full Version: MentionMe for 1.8 & MyAlerts 2.0
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So I'm currently working on updating MentionMe to work with myBB 1.8 and MyAlerts 2.0. I have successfully converted the alert system, so that works just fine with Euan's new code. However, MentionMe is currently programmed to use prototype instead of jquery. I'm working on converting it over, but I wanted to reach out and see if anybody else has started this process or has any experience with it?

Once I've done the conversion process, I will make the updated version of the plugin publicly available. 
Waiting for release
(2014-12-22, 08:51 PM)jshort Wrote: [ -> ]So I'm currently working on updating MentionMe to work with myBB 1.8 and MyAlerts 2.0. I have successfully converted the alert system, so that works just fine with Euan's new code. However, MentionMe is currently programmed to use prototype instead of jquery. I'm working on converting it over, but I wanted to reach out and see if anybody else has started this process or has any experience with it?

Once I've done the conversion process, I will make the updated version of the plugin publicly available. 

Thank you!
Thanks... I use DZV mentions plugin - it is really well optimized plugin - maybe you can check it
I have. I personally prefer MentionMe which is why I'm working on getting it updated.
I understand. I miss autocomplete function in DVZ mentions... on the other side I think that dvz mentions is better optimilized and has better code for handling mentions
Making progress!

I already have the alert function working, my biggest hurdle was figuring out the autocomplete. I've got it working with a codebutton, but I'm going to play with it some more to see if I can get it working with the textarea itself.

The autocomplete feature relies on some of the Prototype built-in shortcuts, it is true, but porting it to jQuery shouldn't be that hard.

I have been away for too long and I apologize for that, but please keep in mind that MentionMe is my product and if you want to contribute to that project, you should do it on GitHub rather than starting a separate effort under the same name.

You can go to the GitHub project page: and then fork the repository.
That's the plan. I wasn't going to make my fork public until after I made sure that the code was stable. Smile Once it is, I'll make the fork public and contribute a PR to your project.
OK, I am looking forward Wink
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