Hi there,
Is it possible to upgrade from RC4 straight to Gold (missing PR2)? I tried it on my local test version and it wouldn't go, am about to try it on the actual server incase it's my AppServ config.
(It's ok - I got it.

Great job guys - MyBB is now my choice for everything forums!
WOW! MyBB 1.0 is looking
HOT guys!
I'm going to upgrade right away!
Awesome job MyBB team!

I'm using 1.0 in a (secret) location ... looking good. Clean install worked perfectly.
just upgraded, suuuupppperrrr

Why am I still credited for the style in 1.0? It's not one I made.

I'm definately not complaining, it'll hopefully get me traffic...
TemplatesForAll Wrote:Why am I still credited for the style in 1.0? It's not one I made.
I'm definately not complaining, it'll hopefully get me traffic...
haha...free stuff it is! great skin to whoever, i guess, really designed it
I just got myBB about a week ago and got the preview version. Can I upgrade from that version, or would I even need to?
Oh, and will anything change, like my templates or themes?
Please see my post,
here - look for the "Upgrade Notes" section.
You should also read Documentation/upgrade.html in the release which contains information on upgrading your boards.
Okay sorry about that, but I wasn't sure if the preview was PR2 or not.
Question, how come when you go to install MyBB 1.0 the install page says that it's PR2?