The_Altered1 Wrote:Fantastic release and well worth the wait.
Now just waiting for the converters.
Ditto, I would like to convert sites I help run to mybb if I can convert from phpbb seemlessly. I can't image the work the mybb developers have put into this software. Thanks for your hard work!
I am not able to start a new thread at this forum. After I click "Post", it gives me the following error:
Quote:Fatal error: Call to undefined function my_strlen() in ...../public_html/newthread.php on line 425
Chris Boulton Wrote:Fixed, sorry.
No problem, thanks Chris!
Happy Holidays!
I haven't been here for awhile, and I can say, it looks great!
Though, it still has the IPB'esque look when it comes to theme wise. I guess IPB really standerdized the professional look, but it still looks great.
I lost my webserver, and so, I really don't have any place to test out the new version, but I have no doubt it's great.
did you update your forums to 1.0 BEFORE updating to 1.01?
edit and this is the wrong thread too.
I need zip of 1.00
I know i have not been following up on mybb because I had surgery and was recovering.