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Full Version: Why don't last posts show in these forums ?
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I just guessed by the avatar Toungue
I think thats Shakira. Nevertheless, does it matter, just check it.,
(2009-11-13, 02:58 AM)AVC Wrote: [ -> ]This destroys interest in these forums since the last posts are not shown !! Confused

It amazes me how people actually think this.

Do you think one single click to get the Last Post information is going to stop people who are truly hell bent on discussing MyBB Add-ons?

My opinion: Quit being lazy, just click the forum. Smile
(2009-11-13, 02:58 AM)AVC Wrote: [ -> ]This destroys interest in these forums since the last posts are not shown !! Confused

Even though there's lots of posts in there a day...??

You could use the convenient 'View Todays Posts' button like I do Toungue
(I swear I click that buton a couple hundred times a day Toungue)
I have never seen "a forum" use this tactic, it does not say much for the developers of forum software or give a very good impression to potential users.
Again, is it really that big a deal?? How does it say anything about the developers?? The templates have just been edited, and seeing as you're the first person I can think of to complain I hardly think it gives a bad impression to anybody. Do people really think 'I'm not going to use MyBB because two forums don't have last post information showing'??

Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.
Matt just remember who we're talking about. Just take the stress ball on your desk (I know you have one) and put it in your hand.
Lol I need to get me one of those Toungue
It's actually a stress oil drum.

[Image: SB-0111-Oil_Drum.jpg]
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