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Full Version: Account deletion
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I want my account to be deleted. Please tell me how, or delete it for me. Thanks Smile
Always curious why this is important? You can set your away message, change your notification settings and leave. What's the need to delete the account?
No sense in having a un-used account, if it was up to me, id delete all of the un-used accounts.
Just don't come back Toungue
Considering, you only have 10 posts and you just joined mybb, I realllllly dont see why you wanna delete your account.
From a site admin point of view I feel that deleting unused accounts is pointless. They do not take up a lot of room, a lot of them probably had some decent posts that still turn up on search engines, and it makes it easier for that user to return if their account is still there waiting for them.
(2009-11-19, 06:53 AM)KuJoe Wrote: [ -> ]From a site admin point of view I feel that deleting unused accounts is pointless. They do not take up a lot of room, a lot of them probably had some decent posts that still turn up on search engines, and it makes it easier for that user to return if their account is still there waiting for them.

Correct that is in general our point of view. The answer you will probably get from management is a no.
As far as I know, we do not delete accounts. I advise you do as Labrocca suggested if you wish to leave the community.
I personally prefer to only delete accounts that are never activated.
I just do not touch any accounts, and yes accounts that aren't activated do bother me too but I just try to ignore them Toungue.
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