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There is a personal reason I want to delete. I am going to re register it in a day or so.
(2009-11-19, 05:56 PM)Tierney Wrote: [ -> ]There is a personal reason I want to delete. I am going to re register it in a day or so.

I don't think we delete accounts and I really don't think we want people re-registering after, what's the point??
If you want your name changed, I think that's possible.
No...see, I am not supposed to have registered here, but now I have been allowed to (and need to). I want to basicly erase all traces that I registered.
Ok than.......

That's not weird Toungue
Lol, weren't supposed to, but now you are allowed to?? Lolwut
(2009-11-19, 07:48 PM)Tierney Wrote: [ -> ]No...see, I am not supposed to have registered here, but now I have been allowed to (and need to). I want to basicly erase all traces that I registered.

Because this is such an underground forum......

If you didn't want to be identified here then why did you use a username that you use elsewhere?
I think we should allow this....

For one I think it will be almost illegal to not delete it as requested. because they want to protect them selves and their privacy. As the account has logged the e-mail and everything that opens a lot of security risks for privacy, so as that person requests, and only person that can actually request is the original owner of this account.

No questions needs to be ask, just do it. If I wanted to cancel my account anywhere and no one would do it, I have legal claim because they have private information in their profile of me like e-mail. AND if the owners of the board do not respond... well their going to be in trouble for keeping their information hostage.
This site is private property MZM. They can do whatever the want with your account.
(2009-11-23, 03:01 AM)T0m Wrote: [ -> ]This site is private property MZM. They can do whatever the want with your account.

Yes I know... But i still ponder....
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