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Full Version: When did this come in?
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I think its a good idea Smile
I have a question: If plugins were to follow the GNU just like MyBB, does that mean that we'd have to allow redistribution and modification too?
(2010-05-24, 05:47 AM)Lyndon Dueck Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I agree. There will be a lot of:

"WTF? Thats retarded. Im leaving!"

But maybe this will encourage people to help the Free Mods/Themes Grow.
I doubt that people will now create more free plugins and themes.
So they will be no more paid plugins allowed here? From no one at all?
(2010-05-24, 11:20 AM)Bob Jansen Wrote: [ -> ]I doubt that people will now create more free plugins and themes.
Thats not the intention, the intention is to clarify the whole process and restore the mods section to what it originally was, a discussion space to accompany the MyBB mods site so only mods which are on the MyBB mods site can be discussed in that section.

(2010-05-24, 11:32 AM)that_guy Wrote: [ -> ]So they will be no more paid plugins allowed here? From no one at all?
Nope, in fact from what I understand no plugins that are not submitted to the MyBB mods site will be allowed. Besides, commercial plugin providers really should be providing support on their own site any way.
The only ones that will profit from this are those plugin authors who are already established here. The new guys will have no chance. Thank you for your answer.
I believe you should remove all paid plugins from the releases sub forum if you're not allowing anymore paid plugins to submitted in the future. That may cause confusion to new members.

I'm not against this idea, I kind of agree with it
(2010-05-24, 01:16 PM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: [ -> ]I believe you should remove all paid plugins from the releases sub forum if you're not allowing anymore paid plugins to submitted in the future.
The current releases forum will be archived when the new system begins.
(2010-05-24, 01:18 PM)Ryan Loos Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-24, 01:16 PM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: [ -> ]I believe you should remove all paid plugins from the releases sub forum if you're not allowing anymore paid plugins to submitted in the future.
The current releases forum will be archived when the new system begins.

I understand that but it's not archived yet and new users that read that information may find it confusing
Awesome, can't wait to see that happen!!
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