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I think this was a very good move, it not only will make the merge possible, but will keep the releases clean and actually accesible. Besides, there was already some advertisment abuse on those forums IMO.
(2010-05-24, 09:56 AM)Zash Wrote: [ -> ]I have a question: If plugins were to follow the GNU just like MyBB, does that mean that we'd have to allow redistribution and modification too?
(2010-05-24, 03:00 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]...almost none of the current plugins that are made for MyBB are legally operating right now. Almost all are being sold on proprietary licenses which is not compatible with our GNU/GPL license. We need to separate ourselves from that mindset and move into the legal clear.

Would you consider this (calls to an external plugin api) 'GNU/GPL legal', similar to the hard-core Drupal users here:
Quote:In nearly every case where there is a linkage to non-GPL compatible software it is done "at arms length" via calls to an external api (using xml, http, rest, soap), and such integration methods are considered valid in my understanding of the Free Software Foundation's interpretation of GPL.

If "Yes" = legal, then can there possibly be a sub-forum for legal premium mods? and / or what about (legal) mods with corporate sponsors (also similar to Drupal) are those going to be banned also?
(2010-05-25, 10:27 AM)Zash Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-24, 09:56 AM)Zash Wrote: [ -> ]I have a question: If plugins were to follow the GNU just like MyBB, does that mean that we'd have to allow redistribution and modification too?

Look up the GNU/GPL license or compatible licenses and check them.

(2010-05-25, 12:05 PM)seeker Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-24, 03:00 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]...almost none of the current plugins that are made for MyBB are legally operating right now. Almost all are being sold on proprietary licenses which is not compatible with our GNU/GPL license. We need to separate ourselves from that mindset and move into the legal clear.

Would you consider this (calls to an external plugin api) 'GNU/GPL legal', similar to the hard-core Drupal users here:

I don't make that determination. The GNU does.
(2010-05-24, 05:12 PM)that_guy Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-24, 05:08 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-24, 12:33 PM)that_guy Wrote: [ -> ]The only ones that will profit from this are those plugin authors who are already established here. The new guys will have no chance. Thank you for your answer.

Why...?? Huh I don't see your logic there.

It is very simple. Labrocca, pirata and others who are already known here will not be aafected by this. Whereas the new coders like calypso and others who are not known here will be affected. Because they can't posts paid mods and the others I mentioned above have tons of posts with paid mos and are already established.

Plugin authors (me included) should just create a free *LITE* version that includes some of the features, and tell the users that there is a full version on their site Smile
I'm just going to work on a few free projects and update a few themes with new links. It's really the only option I have.
Great move. And MyBB has my full permission to delete all my threads in release area.

A couple questions though.

1. What about signatures to paid sites?
2. What happens if someone requests a plugin and points to a paid site? Even if the person replying isn't associated with the site at all.
3. Is there going to be some type of anti-paid plugins enforcement asking paid authors to C&D operations especially given your comment about GNU.
Quote:Why, because almost none of the current plugins that are made for MyBB are legally operating right now.

If you feel that's true please let me know. A C&D from Chris and I can close operations no problem.

4. What about paid custom work and paid themes?

Certainly MyBB is going to need to completely clarify this move to everyone. Me personally..I'm more likely to close down MyBB Central to new membership and not upgrade my plugins. I'm glad this move is being done before I started all that work.

I've closed down until this is sorted out.

Once complete clarification is given about this I'll make more decisions but obviously without income justifying my time working on MyBB I won't be around here very much helping people and I won't be releasing any of my work that I use for my own sites. Just how it will be.

Long term this is probably the right decisions for MyBB as a project. Things just need to be clarified.
It will be a shame if you closed down mybbcentral labrocca and if you didn''t upgrade your plugins and created new ones. While we may not like each other you are a great coder and a big asset to mybb community, I will admit that.

In my humble opinion this is not a wise step from mybb staff. All forums have paid plugins and themes, smf, has it, phpBB has it too. It seems like Mybb is giving in to those cheap stakes that moan and cry for 5 dollars and want everything for free.

Keep one thing in mind, that those free loaders come here to get and only get. Whereas labrocca and all the other coders have given so much to the community with their work.
It takes me hundreds of hours to code. I just don't have the time to do that for free. I'm considering all my alternatives right now. This news is a complete surprise to me.

There are always options to make money even under a GPL v3 license. I just need to know all the policy changes of MyBB. One very likely scenario is that I close down MybbCentral and integrate it into SupportForums and create a paid membership there offering installations and support but allow the plugins to be distributed freely. I'm going to assume these changes won't effect themes so I'm hoping that I can beef up my design skills and release some nice ones.

Apparently I don't have to offer any type of support or even installation instructions under GPL3. So these are things I can restrict to subscribers.

If I can't recover my income some other way then I'll just find another project to become a part of. I have no problems with that. I've read somewhere that people think Central makes money from ads. That's a load of crap. I've made like $25 in 3 years. The ad income is a joke.

I've considered being a paid support person for some time now. This would be a perfect opportunity for that. People could pay me to be their plugin installer, fixer, and upgrade guy. The only question is will it be enough?

I feel like today is a sad day for me. These changes will likely push me personally farther away from the project but I am just one guy. Maybe this move will help MyBB and I'm still very supportive of their decisions. I think Chris is a great guy and thinks things through. If he feels this is the right move then I trust that even if I'm negatively effected. It's only money and trust me I'll make it up somewhere else.

Relatively speaking MyBB only makes up about 5% of my income. Probably takes up about 15% of my time though.

I think overall the MyBB community will lose out. Before paid authors there was a serious lack of quality plugins and I fear that's going to happen again. Without incentives to authors they may not bother to code. While I'm well known and can probably work this into a support package I don't think too many other authors can do the same. When you want installation and support options you're more likely going to use the most capable person you can if their fees are reasonable and mine will be reasonable.

But we'll see.
(2010-05-26, 06:42 PM)that_guy Wrote: [ -> ]It will be a shame if you closed down mybbcentral labrocca and if you didn''t upgrade your plugins and created new ones. While we may not like each other you are a great coder and a big asset to mybb community, I will admit that.

In my humble opinion this is not a wise step from mybb staff. All forums have paid plugins and themes, smf, has it, phpBB has it too. It seems like Mybb is giving in to those cheap stakes that moan and cry for 5 dollars and want everything for free.

Keep one thing in mind, that those free loaders come here to get and only get. Whereas labrocca and all the other coders have given so much to the community with their work.

I agree where labrocca is concerned. Even though me and him have disagreed on a few things related to this i have still sent people there simply because he has them and i know he supports his stuff. However you are wrong about 2 things. Neither PHPBB or SMF has paid plugins on their community forums. People do them but they are not released on phpbb/smf community forums. Remember MYBB did not say people cant charge for them. All is free to do as they like. They just cant be advertised/dealt with in the release forums if the license is different then the one MYBB uses. Unsure about if people can let others know the option is there at off sites if someone asks for something?

Lastly it is that attitude of yours ( and a few others ) about calling people cheap stakes of why i have been very against having them here on mybb. Do you realize THIS software is FREE and basically you are insulting every user of MYBB because they chose a free system vs paying. YES i know MYBB is a great script ( why i love it and use it ) but still your wording is and can be seen as very insulting to any user who uses MYBB because they chose the free script regardless of how great MYBB is. Thus something for you and others to think about who share that view about those who don't care to pay for a plugin. People also forget MYBB is and or was ( unsure if any other free script allows paid stuff in their release forums yet? I just know PHPBB and SMF don't along with a few others) the first free forum script to have paid plugins posted in the community release forums and thus not something people were use to. This btw is what needs to stop as well. The free for all attacks. One reason why i could see mybb not allowing any advertising of them outside the showcase and service/jobs forums. If someone does not wanna pay then they don't and don't get the plugin till a free one is done up if it is. END OF STORY. No need for the attacks or complaining. I don't care if people wanna charge or not and i am not here to debate that. Just pointing out how your post may be viewed by others. Nothing more and all is good. Smile
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