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Open the forum so we can see what's going on.
(2010-09-09, 04:51 PM)AJS Wrote: [ -> ]Open the forum so we can see what's going on.

You need to add the Google SEO rewrite rules to your .htaccess

If you go to ACP >> Plugins >> Google SEO it will tell you what you need to add.
(2010-09-09, 04:57 PM)AJS Wrote: [ -> ]You need to add the Google SEO rewrite rules to your .htaccess

If you go to ACP >> Plugins >> Google SEO it will tell you what you need to add.


One more thing, there's a little question mark icon on my dvd swapping service forum, how can I get rid of this?
Go back and edit the settings for the forum, make sure it has a $ in the description and then save it; an encoding problem or something.
(2010-09-09, 06:06 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Go back and edit the settings for the forum, make sure it has a $ in the description and then save it; an encoding problem or something.
Settings where mate?
The settings for that forum. ACP > Forums & Posts > DVD Swapping Service > Edit Forum Settings > Description.
Done thanks for all your help Smile
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