Error Type:
MyBB Error (44)
Error Message:
MyBB was unable to load the SQL extension. Please contact the MyBB Group for support. MyBB Website
My site goes down for a few days with this error. Then it comes back up after a repair of the database then goes back down again.
I have contacted my host and they have said " its mybb fault its there software/ coding "
The thing is i can login to the admin panel and change what ever i want.
But can;t access the forum
url is here
if there was a mysql error why would it let me login to the admin panel and disable all plugins i have turned off all plugins to make sure it ent that but no luck.
I know i have to change the config folder to mysql if that don't work change it to mysqli ( i think it is ) i have done everything but can't get it to work. I can still login to the admin panel even tho i have a sql error
It's not a problem with MyBB. It's because your database type in ./inc/config.php isn't right (which is what you've been changing) but if it keeps happening, then it is something your host is doing; it's not going to stop working on it's own for no reason. If they won't accept that it's an issue on their end, change hosts, and you'll find it won't happen anymore.
This is the code it's running:
// Check if our DB engine is loaded
// Throw our super awesome db loading error
It tries to load the PHP extension for the database type you've specified; if it can't, it shows the error, and if the extension can't be loaded, that's not MyBB's fault.
You mean i have to change the database type in side the inc/confgi file ? i have tried that but does not work. Or do you want me to remove them lines of code ?? the ones you have shown.
He means for you to change the database type as it must be incorrect. If changing that does not help, it's a problem with your host as the database extension is not being loaded.
ok may i know why it lets me login to the admin panel and change anything i want but not let me view the forum ?
That's the one part that I don't understand personally as both the Admin Control Panel and the MyBB front-end use the same settings and the same database class as I understand it. Matt or somebody else might be able to provide more insight into that matter.
Hopefully i member of mybb staff can answer why i can login to the admin panel and change anything even pluggins and themes ( i have uninstalled all plugins to make sure it wasn't a plugin making the problem. can even change the theme of the forum.
I have just checked int he admin panel and used the file verifcation thing and now have found out i have files missing even tho i downloaded the myb from mybb website.
File Status
install/images/bullet.gif Missing
install/images/content_bg.gif Missing
install/images/error_bg.gif Missing
install/images/h2-admin.gif Missing
install/images/h2-config.gif Missing
install/images/h2-createtables.gif Missing
install/images/h2-dbconfig.gif Missing
install/images/h2-finish.gif Missing
install/images/h2-license.gif Missing
install/images/h2-requirements.gif Missing
install/images/h2-tablepopulate.gif Missing
install/images/h2-theme.gif Missing
install/images/h2-welcome.gif Missing
install/images/index.html Missing
install/images/submit_bg.gif Missing
install/images/tcat_bg.gif Missing
install/images/thead_bg.gif Missing
install/index.php Missing
install/resources/adminoptions.xml Missing
install/resources/adminviews.xml Missing
install/resources/index.html Missing
install/resources/language.lang.php Missing
install/resources/mybb_theme.xml Missing
install/resources/mysql_db_inserts.php Missing
install/resources/mysql_db_tables.php Missing
install/resources/output.php Missing
install/resources/pgsql_db_tables.php Missing
install/resources/settings.xml Missing
install/resources/sqlite_db_tables.php Missing
install/resources/tasks.xml Missing
install/resources/upgrade1.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade10.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade11.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade12.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade13.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade14.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade15.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade16.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade17.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade18.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade2.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade3.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade4.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade5.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade6.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade7.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade8.php Missing
install/resources/upgrade9.php Missing
install/resources/usergroups.xml Missing
install/stylesheet.css Missing
install/upgrade.php Missing
I don't think it would stop the forum from running but was thinking maybe running the upgrade would fix it even tho im running 1.6
They're all fine - you're supposed to delete the install directory

If you can get to the ACP but the forum shows this error then you must have something different about your forum. The same code is run on every page load. Either way, it's not an issue with MyBB itself.
What would be different about it ? the admin panel uses the same files has the main forum ? All pluggins are disabled so must be a file that is used on the forum but not on the admin panel that has been changed ?