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[For 1.6] Wiki Plugin v1.2.2
Hello...great Wiki! Well done!

One thing I would like to change is moving the authors avatar and info to the bottom of the article instead of up top. Can you tell me where to look to move it?

MyBB 1.8.38
All about guns, knives and gear!
Go to the template "wiki_text" and move "{$user_header}". But attention: The "written on" message is also included in this variable. When you just want to move the avatar etc you have to make more changes.
The Template where the avatar is loaded is "wiki_header".
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(2012-09-24, 07:14 PM)King Louis Wrote: Go to the template "wiki_text" and move "{$user_header}". But attention: The "written on" message is also included in this variable. When you just want to move the avatar etc you have to make more changes.
The Template where the avatar is loaded is "wiki_header".

No, that looks good although, I am thinking about removing the avatar and everything and just leaving the author's name. This would be done in the wiki_header...correct?
MyBB 1.8.38
All about guns, knives and gear!
You're correct^^ Remove
						<td class="post_avatar" width="1" style="{$user['avatar_padding']}">
and the avatar is gone Wink
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Excellent! Just one more question! I promise...

Where can I change the color of the bar or the text that has "add new category and the search field? My default text is the same color as the bar and is hidden from view. Blush

The more I look at it, I must have something else going on here:
MyBB 1.8.38
All about guns, knives and gear!
The colors are saved in the specific template ("wiki", "wiki_category" and "wiki_text"). It uses his own css attributes and not the mybb default ones so the panel is on the first installation shown in the colors of the default theme.
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(2012-09-24, 07:46 PM)King Louis Wrote: The colors are saved in the specific template ("wiki", "wiki_category" and "wiki_text"). It uses his own css attributes and not the mybb default ones so the panel is on the first installation shown in the colors of the default theme.

Look at this page and tell me if my layout is messed up? The search box is overtop of some text...

PS>I am working on 2 forums a the same time...LOL!
MyBB 1.8.38
All about guns, knives and gear!
I can't see any difference to my wiki Wink The search box is higher than the text and I'm not a designer so the search box isn't in the middle of the panel by default (that's also something I have to change in next version... Big Grin)
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OK! Thanks a lot! I think that solves all my problems!
MyBB 1.8.38
All about guns, knives and gear!
A little issue with subcategories were found. A PHP warning is shown when you have a subcategory and no articles in your wiki. See this thread for more information and for a fix Wink
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