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[For 1.6] Advanced Sidebox 2.1.1
Of course. Wink

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Anything that helps. Wink
I can't seem to figure out why you are having an error.

It has to be an incompatibility with something in your theme or another plugin perhaps. Without knowing your setup I am drawing a blank.

Are you on a live website or a localhost installation?

If it is on the web, I'd love to check out the page source for that page to see what is happening with the final template output.

Its a re-worked default theme, nothing more. Wink I've send you the link via PM.


Thanks. Maybe we can straighten this out.

EDIT: The problem is being caused by invalid HTML on your index page. I have PMed you with a solution.
Good plugin, I love it.
I wonder if you can consider adding a box of staff online now as
I love how it turned him on 'Users Online' with the avatar, congratulations.
Thanks for your kind words.

A staff online box is a great idea. Would it be better to incorporate it as part of the current WOL avatar list (as a separate section) or just have two separate sideboxes?

I'll put it on the list. Thanks for your feedback Smile

Advanced Sidebox 1.2 has been pushed to the mods site

You download the current version until it is validated at the mods site from GitHub
Another update Smile

Advanced Sidebox 1.3 has been released.

  • Sideboxes now have expand/collapse functionality
  • Bug fix for displayed warning when admin has not yet added any sideboxes
  • Added option to create a box that isn't 'wrapped' with header and expander for versatility sake
  • Restructured some addons and integrated the 'wrapping' routines into the Sidebox class so each module got a nice reduction in code size

Fresh Installation:

  1. Copy the inc directory into your forum's root
  2. Install & Activate in ACP
  3. You must add at least one box for anything to display Smile

If you are upgrading please follow these instructions

  1. Deactivate Advanced Sidebox in ACP
  2. overwrite the files
  3. Activate in ACP
But wouldnt uninstall for upgrade mean that I loose all my settings / blocks etc. that I made until then ?
Unfortunately, yes. I have plans to enable export/import functionality soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
In that case I stay with the current Version. I dont want to redo things all the time. Especially since I never had any plugin I had to completely remove for an update, and with that loose all settings.

But thanks anyways.

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