2010-09-07, 03:10 PM
Yes, I add a hook as you say, but I do not append to $forum['description'] because that shown only if "Show Forum Descriptions" enabled. I don't like such dependency, so I go with another idea.
2.4 is done, I'll spend some time for testing and will release it today or tomorrow.
What was added
2.4 is done, I'll spend some time for testing and will release it today or tomorrow.
What was added
- now you can optionally display a message with Forum Action description in Forum index or/and in Forums threads listing.
Also it can show several action descriptions for one forum.
Descriptions are generated 'automagically'
- two columns in forumcleaner table
(upgrade will be done by simple plugin activation after files replacement and do not destroy existing content)
- additional language file
- two templates (forumcleaner_forumbits and forumcleaner_threadlist), allows you to setup your style to display messages.
- two templates are modified by plugin activation (and restored by plugin deactivation):
- forumbit_depth2_forum - added {$forum['forumcleaner_forumbit']} before {$modlist}
- forumdisplay_threadlist - added {$mybb->input['forumcleaner_threadlist']} before everything
- forumbit_depth2_forum - added {$forum['forumcleaner_forumbit']} before {$modlist}
- fixed bug, which unnecessary asks for Target forum in Close Threads definition
(why nobody raise it ? )
vim it!^[:wq