I come back !
I'm sorry, it was too many changes in my life last year and I simply haven't time to support mybb community.
but now I'm ready to continue.
(2011-04-23, 06:00 PM)pavemen Wrote: I have found that the language files for this plugin conflict and overwrite the official language varaibles. I would suggest that you prefix all your language vars with "fc_" or "forumcleaner_" or similar so that the conflict goes away.
Example, look at the Add Thread Tool page in the ACP and you will see that it says Forum cleaner instead of Name
Actually, I didn't manage to find such tool
to reproduce this behavior, but I'll follow your suggestion. thanks.
(2011-08-02, 01:09 AM)DamYan Wrote: I made some edits to fix problems with lang variables. So test it
Dziekuje bardzo
- Thank you. I can't give guaranties to include your work fully as it is, but thank you any way.
(2011-09-25, 10:21 PM)Alii Wrote: I've installed this plugin succesfully all the menu's are showing. The only menu that doesn't show is;
Admin CP / Configuration / Settings / Forum Cleaner options
General configuration and user deletion configuration
How can i make that option view at settings?
Actually it's showing something at the settings but don't know if it belongs to the Forum Cleaner plugin.
See bellow the screenshot i took.
Looks like you have issue within plugin language files. Please make sure that language files (inc/languages/english/forumcleaner.lang.php and inc/languages/english/admin/forumcleaner.lang.php) are in place
before plugin installation.
to fix - uninstall plugin, put language files to required places and install plugin again.
Also please check that all files, related to plugin are from one source. from mods.mybb.com or from DamYan 's fix. possible scenario of such behavior is that plugin files are from one source and plugin language files from another.
And if you use this language files translated to your language, please make sure that variables from 'options_title' to 'groupids_desc' are present in your translation (lines 37-59 in english/admin/forumcleaner.lang.php).
(2011-10-10, 10:24 AM)Sama34 Wrote: Orphaned Avatars deletes all users avatars?
Because I used it and it deleted all my avatars, except the ones in avatar galleries.
I didn't manage to reproduce that. Can you please give more details ? which version of mybb and plugin do you use ? in which environment (Linux, Windows, etc.), which webserver ?
I can imagine scenario of how it can happen, for example - if you try to test it with test database (with test users registered, but not with actual users), but with actual 'uploads/avatars' directory - then plugin removes all avatar files which are not matched to avatars, described in database.
are you sure that it is not your case ?