MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Why mybb will fail....part 2
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1. Kids
No professional software company can thrive from children, which is all you have here.

2. Moderators
Mods are too quick on the draw, support team needs a manager to keep these rogues under control.

3. Organization
Where is the development timeline? What are the goals for mybb in the next xxxx months, years? (im not talking about the redmine installation)
Who is in charge of the diff. groups? Managers, support, PR, developers....

4. Spam
Spammers are flooding these forums but are not removed just to generate "fake traffic" for this site.

5. Freedom of speech
You censor everything that negatively comments mybb or if someone has an opinion that you do not like on these forums.

6. Rules
I think you have rules to take care of rules for posting rules on the rules that are posted.

I'm sure this thread will get locked but at least some people will see it! Google search : mybb sucks and you will truly open your eyes !
The software is great and the community is somewhat helpful but I feel they need to be much stricter the way phpbb community forums are.
(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]1. Kids
No professional software company can thrive from children, which is all you have here.

2. Moderators
Mods are too quick on the draw, support team needs a manager to keep these rogues under control.

3. Organization
Where is the development timeline? What are the goals for mybb in the next xxxx months, years? (im not talking about the redmine installation)
Who is in charge of the diff. groups? Managers, support, PR, developers....

4. Spam
Spammers are flooding these forums but are not removed just to generate "fake traffic" for this site.

5. Freedom of speech
You censor everything that negatively comments mybb or if someone has an opinion that you do not like on these forums.

6. Rules
I think you have rules to take care of rules for posting rules on the rules that are posted.

I'm sure this thread will get locked but at least some people will see it! Google search : mybb sucks and you will truly open your eyes !

1. They can't ban someone for being 11.

2. There are three managers. They are volunteers with other jobs. Give them a break.

3. Look around. MattRogowski is the Support Team Lead, for example.

4. One spammer every two days, tops? Not a flood.

5. I'm sure if someone posted on your forum yelling at your forum you'd delete/lock it too.


(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]1. Kids
No professional software company can thrive from children, which is all you have here.

2. Moderators
Mods are too quick on the draw, support team needs a manager to keep these rogues under control.

If you have legit concerns you need to be more specific, there's nothing we can do when you're so vague.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]3. Organization
Where is the development timeline? What are the goals for mybb in the next xxxx months, years? (im not talking about the redmine installation)
Who is in charge of the diff. groups? Managers, support, PR, developers....

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]4. Spam
Spammers are flooding these forums but are not removed just to generate "fake traffic" for this site.

Where? If spam is reported it's removed.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]5. Freedom of speech
You censor everything that negatively comments mybb or if someone has an opinion that you do not like on these forums.

No, we don't.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]1. Kids
No professional software company can thrive from children, which is all you have here.

MyBB can't stop anyone from using it. That's out of their hands.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]2. Moderators
Mods are too quick on the draw, support team needs a manager to keep these rogues under control.

I don't know what you mean by this. Staff follow orders. Any staff members that don't eventually get demoted.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]3. Organization
Where is the development timeline? What are the goals for mybb in the next xxxx months, years? (im not talking about the redmine installation)

There isn't a public timeline as such. MyBB is developed when the developers can. It's not like their getting paid. Along with spending time with family and friends, they also have jobs.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]Who is in charge of the diff. groups? Managers, support, PR, developers....

Chris and Tim are in charge of the groups. That's pretty clear imho.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]4. Spam
Spammers are flooding these forums but are not removed just to generate "fake traffic" for this site.

Oh, don't play that card. Much spam has been removed from this forum. I'm reported hundreds of spam posts/threads. Each one I've reported has been removed.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]5. Freedom of speech
You censor everything that negatively comments mybb or if someone has an opinion that you do not like on these forums.

Topics such as religion don't belong here either. They all end up in arguments. Staff closing threads to prevent that is the best opinion.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]6. Rules
I think you have rules to take care of rules for posting rules on the rules that are posted.

That doesn't make sense.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure this thread will get locked but at least some people will see it! Google search : mybb sucks and you will truly open your eyes !

Your opinion. Frankly, none of us care what you think. MyBB is one of the leading open source forum softwares available. Saying it sucks may be your opinion, but statistically your wrong.

1 - How old are you and what is children in your eyes? The staff are all 17+ (to my knowledge)..
2 - I figure having quick mods is better than slow ones.
3 - There are team leaders for every group, check some staff's user titles to find who they are.
4 - They're always banned...
5 - This is a forum not the US.
6 - ...? What?

Mad kid is mad.
You are quite child like if you ask me. Posting this thread has even dropped my opinion of you even more.

The reason MyBB will fail is if the developers give up. In no other way can it fail.

The community forum isn't what makes mybb so anything related to that is out of the question.
Okay, if you guys all hate me because I'm 11 I can leave. Just say so.
(2011-11-03, 09:29 PM)Everett777 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, if you guys all hate me because I'm 11 I can leave. Just say so.

No, you're a cool 11 y/o, no a whiney one Toungue
(2011-11-03, 09:29 PM)Everett777 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, if you guys all hate me because I'm 11 I can leave. Just say so.

Honestly I wouldn't know you're eleven if never told us. Except maybe for your avatar Toungue.
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