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Full Version: Why mybb will fail....part 2
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(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]1. Kids
No professional software company can thrive from children, which is all you have here.

Really? I mean Audentio has done pretty well, and i know some of their designers and developers are "young". Knowledge doesn't come with age. Knowledge comes with experience. I know of a few 30-something year old developers that don't understand OOP, and half a dozen 14 year olds who are probably the best programmers I've ever seen.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]2. Moderators
Mods are too quick on the draw, support team needs a manager to keep these rogues under control.
As said, its better to lock a topic before it gets out of hand, instead of waiting for it to start arguments and damage relationships. A happy community is better than one that is contantly flaming.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]3. Organization
Where is the development timeline? What are the goals for mybb in the next xxxx months, years? (im not talking about the redmine installation)
Who is in charge of the diff. groups? Managers, support, PR, developers....
As said, we are not a "company" as such, and we are not bound to a release cycle. We work on the premise "it will be ready when it is ready". Yes, we could release a new version every month, but that would just mean more confusion in the support section, more updating for users and less actual progress with each update. As said, we don't make promises we can't keep.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]4. Spam
Spammers are flooding these forums but are not removed just to generate "fake traffic" for this site.
Got any evidence of that? Where are the links? I'm sure, if you actually spent your time trying to help the community, you could report the posts so they are removed.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]5. Freedom of speech
You censor everything that negatively comments mybb or if someone has an opinion that you do not like on these forums.
Quote:This is a forum not the US.
I think this just about somes this up. But on a serious note, the MyBB Group can do whatever they please with their content. Would you like it if somebody came along with spray paint and "wrote" what they wanted on "your" house wall? No. Because it's your wall. This forum, and all of it's content belongs to MyBB.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]6. Rules
I think you have rules to take care of rules for posting rules on the rules that are posted.
Really? I tihnk the rules are pretty simple here. The global rules are only a few main points. Some forums have specific "rules", but they're more like guidelines (EG: "The showcase section is only for....", "The testing and trashing section is for..."). If you don't like the rules, and don't want to follow them, just leave. We're not making you stay.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure this thread will get locked but at least some people will see it! Google search : mybb sucks and you will truly open your eyes !
Let me guess - Jonata? Or Ghazal? I sense you have absolutely no idea what happened there. And to be honest, I don't know the full story, but this isn't a soap opera. The MyBB team acted on a fair bit of evidence to make their decision. If those members didnt act like retards in the first place, they would never have been banned. If you support the illegal distribution of licensed works by one of the aforementioned, then that's your choice, but MyBB doesnt.

My Conclusion:
You are just spiteful, over the past few days you've been in a real foul mood. Just go whine somewhere else. MyBB will continue to grow with or without you.

If you don't like it here GTFO.


Wait he said mybb forums had to me rules... now thats just funny...
The First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America only applies to government censorship, not to private entity.

I want to criticize the rest, but it looks like others have summed it up well.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]1. Kids
No professional software company can thrive from children, which is all you have here.

2. Moderators
Mods are too quick on the draw, support team needs a manager to keep these rogues under control.

3. Organization
Where is the development timeline? What are the goals for mybb in the next xxxx months, years? (im not talking about the redmine installation)
Who is in charge of the diff. groups? Managers, support, PR, developers....

4. Spam
Spammers are flooding these forums but are not removed just to generate "fake traffic" for this site.

5. Freedom of speech
You censor everything that negatively comments mybb or if someone has an opinion that you do not like on these forums.

6. Rules
I think you have rules to take care of rules for posting rules on the rules that are posted.

I'm sure this thread will get locked but at least some people will see it! Google search : mybb sucks and you will truly open your eyes !

I think you are just a little mad. Son.

If you have such a problem, leave.

also; MyBB sucks is Damink and Janota. Two people banned for a reason.
If Janota hates MyBB so much why does he/she have a whole MyBB support site?
(2011-11-04, 04:17 AM)Everett777 Wrote: [ -> ]If Janota hates MyBB so much why does he/she have a whole MyBB support site? snippped

... He liked it before, and the team decided it's not better to let themselves see at all that they are affiliated with him, and then from their flamewars started.
Why you suddenly started roaring out to all the people? Because of some signature issues?
(2011-11-04, 04:17 AM)Everett777 Wrote: [ -> ]If Janota hates MyBB so much why does he/she have a whole MyBB support site?

Because he makes money from it. He was banned due to various copyright issues pertaining to some of his actions and plugins. Let's leave it at that because it's not really on-topic.
At the end of the day, MyBB is a privilege and not a right. The problem with open source is that users demand, not request. MyBB is a community ran project. Without the community MyBB would suffer severely.

Everything in the OP has related to this specific community and not the product as a whole. It's unfair to say that MyBB will fail. That's way too generic. MyBB's goal is to develop the best free open source forum software available. And that's exactly what it is.
Post was my opinion, I never called anyone out personally...

Flaming me and not the post solidifies my issues here with a select few.

Most ppl were enjoyable here, and will be missed. Thanks to those who stayed on topic and good luck with mybb in the future.

And for the record, ive had vb, ipb, xen licenses but they are bloatware imo.

/rant....have fun flaming!
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