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Full Version: Why mybb will fail....part 2
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No one is flaming. Its just your perception about this, as you don't like anything that's said against you. Sad
No matter what, this is a community. You'll find people who you don't like on any community. Just because this is also a support forum don't make it any less of a community.

Basically just stop whining and get on with it. We're not flaming you. If you don't like this community just leave. We're not forcing you to stay.

If I have an issue with a certain member, I usually just drop off a notice to Tim via the Private Inquiries forum. It gets sorted. I don't hold a grudge. Neither should you.

I can't tell you the countless times I've seen someone say this project will fail and I've been a member of this community since 2004, one of the first 25 to sign up. Yet here it is still, thriving and growing still. I don't post much, more or less because I usually don't have much to say and like reading the ' drama ' that unfolds, such as what this thread is causing. My only question to you is, how do you come to the conclusion that MyBB will fail with the concerns you posted, when 98% of it is bulls**t ?
Just a 0.02 moment - just enjoy the software for what it is; a great, free forum system. We're trying our best to not only create a state-of-the-art feature release but we're actually improving (hopefully!) the 1.6 series too with new updates and performance changes. Not many volunteer groups are doing that.
(2011-11-04, 06:04 AM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]Post was my opinion, I never called anyone out personally...

Flaming me and not the post solidifies my issues here with a select few.

Most ppl were enjoyable here, and will be missed. Thanks to those who stayed on topic and good luck with mybb in the future.

And for the record, ive had vb, ipb, xen licenses but they are bloatware imo.

/rant....have fun flaming!

Vapor Wrote:How unfortunate for you. It must suck being trapped in mommies basement....trying getting out more.

Social networks are crap no matter what......

How can you complain about us flaming, when you flame yourself? I must say, I had a "laugh" reading mybb sux, how old is the owner? 12? XD This is the problem with the internet. Here everyone is anonymous. You can say what you like, without it being supported by any truth or fact, and it doesn't matter. Nothing can be done.

If everyone on the internet had even shred of respect and dignity, the whole internet would be a better place.

So I say to you:
Vapor Wrote:How unfortunate for you. It must suck being trapped in mommies basement....trying getting out more.

(2011-11-04, 06:04 AM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]Post was my opinion, I never called anyone out personally...

Flaming me and not the post solidifies my issues here with a select few.

Most ppl were enjoyable here, and will be missed. Thanks to those who stayed on topic and good luck with mybb in the future.

And for the record, ive had vb, ipb, xen licenses but they are bloatware imo.

/rant....have fun flaming!

That's what happens we people decide to say something to the world before researching. All you read were webpages created by users full of rage against us because we did not tolerate something.

Seriously, what you've done here was simply point out some things without providing solutions. It's easy when you're the boss of a company and you can tell to your employees "Go fix A and B" and they must figure out the solutions by themselves but in this case we're not your employees. We do this for free and for you to use it for free thus your complaints are not valid but we still listen.

@Tom K. he should be around 30...yes.
(2011-11-04, 06:04 AM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]Post was my opinion, I never called anyone out personally...

Flaming me and not the post solidifies my issues here with a select few.

Most ppl were enjoyable here, and will be missed. Thanks to those who stayed on topic and good luck with mybb in the future.

And for the record, ive had vb, ipb, xen licenses but they are bloatware imo.

/rant....have fun flaming!

So this was a goodbay topic, that explain it.
(2011-11-04, 09:44 AM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-11-04, 06:04 AM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]Post was my opinion, I never called anyone out personally...

Flaming me and not the post solidifies my issues here with a select few.

Most ppl were enjoyable here, and will be missed. Thanks to those who stayed on topic and good luck with mybb in the future.

And for the record, ive had vb, ipb, xen licenses but they are bloatware imo.

/rant....have fun flaming!

That's what happens we people decide to say something to the world before researching. All you read were webpages created by users full of rage against us because we did not tolerate something.

Seriously, what you've done here was simply point out some things without providing solutions. It's easy when you're the boss of a company and you can tell to your employees "Go fix A and B" and they must figure out the solutions by themselves but in this case we're not your employees. We do this for free and for you to use it for free thus your complaints are not valid but we still listen.

@Tom K. he should be around 30...yes.

Exactly. It's like going to a games company and saying "your game sucks, you don't tell us when you are going to be releasing another one". That doesn't help. If you really care - even in the slightest way - provide us with some ideas on how to fix it. If we have a few under 18's in the staff who cares. As long as they do their job, and as far as I'm concerned some of the issues with staff on this forum have been caused by adult staff members, not the younger ones.

this made me laugh a bit (snip from his site <3 snipping tool xD)


Lol, great reasons...
@alex if you can tell users age

How old do you think i am?
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