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Full Version: Why mybb will fail....part 2
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I call this thread trolling.

Honestly, OP has made ZERO! good argumented points.
(2011-11-03, 09:29 PM)Everett777 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, if you guys all hate me because I'm 11 I can leave. Just say so.

It's people like the OP who should leave; age is irrelevant.
(2011-11-03, 09:32 PM)Alex Smith Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-11-03, 09:29 PM)Everett777 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, if you guys all hate me because I'm 11 I can leave. Just say so.

Honestly I wouldn't know you're eleven if never told us. Except maybe for your avatar Toungue.

Better? Toungue
1. Children... Yes, basically because they're the forthcoming webmasters, it's so great to have children using MyBB, it means that in the future, this software will rule...

2. Mods..... You can do a quick survey in here, 90% of MyBB Community users are happy with the mods we have.

3. Organization? Timeline?
Wait, are you talking about organization or timeline? MyBB website and project is well organized!
Timeline? They just don't promise anything that's all, they publicly announced that MyBB 2.0 is coming, but not like vBulletin/IPB who give promises and then fail..

4. Spammers are flooding most of the forums (currently), because it's the easiest way to get backlinks to a website and bla bla bla... They don't target MyBB or any other software...

5. Let's replace the word "censor" by "don't like"
Quote:You don't like everything that negatively comments mybb
That's kinda true! Especially if those comments are made by trolls (like someone on this thread)! I don't think they will be happy if anyone says bad things about what they spent days and nights building FOR FREE!

6. If they really had rules to take care of rules for posting rules on the rules that are posted, you wouldn't write the sh*t that you just wrote!! << My opinion

Thread will get locked?? Who does really care about your opinion, Mods don't have time to lock such threads, they're busy helping "real" users Wink

Hope to see you again on here Smile
(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]1. Kids
No professional software company can thrive from children, which is all you have here.

So we should ban anyone under the age of 18 from using MyBB? I think you're misguided here because there are a number of "children" in the big board group who have very successful boards and I think this is a clear enough demonstration that MyBB thrives to achieve it's purpose (of being excellent forum software) regardless of age.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]2. Moderators
Mods are too quick on the draw, support team needs a manager to keep these rogues under control.

Quite frankly I don't see the problem if we take a preemptive approach to moderating. This isn't reddit, this is a forum for supporting our software and our moderation should support that goal. A few weeks ago there was also complaints about us being too reluctant to take moderation action so apparently we can't win.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]3. Organization
Where is the development timeline? What are the goals for mybb in the next xxxx months, years? (im not talking about the redmine installation)
Who is in charge of the diff. groups? Managers, support, PR, developers....

We have kept a consistent release cycle of about 3 months for the past few years. The goals for each release are well defined in the tracker. We have also released a major version every 24 months (literally to the day in the case of 1.6) for the past 3 major releases (1.2 - 1.6). We have already said that we expect 2.0 to take 150 - 200% longer than our typical major release cycle though because it is a complete rewrite, however we have been making some minor functionality updates to the 1.6 series to ensure currency of the software until 2.0 is ready.

In terms of organisation, I am the product manager, Tom is the lead developer, Matt is the support team lead, Stefan is the SQA lead, Tochjo is internationalization lead, Justin is the design lead and Dylan is the merge lead.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]4. Spam
Spammers are flooding these forums but are not removed just to generate "fake traffic" for this site.

You're suggesting that we deliberately don't remove spam because somehow outbound links to spam sites will deliver us inbound traffic?

Here is a graph of a spam prune we did a few months ago:

Over 4,000 accounts were deleted and since installing Goodbye Spammer we have reported over 370 spammers to SFS.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]5. Freedom of speech
You censor everything that negatively comments mybb or if someone has an opinion that you do not like on these forums.

Firstly, freedom of speech doesn't apply in the context of a private organization. We are as free to remove something as you are to post it there in the first place. Secondly, I am not aware of a single instance where a legitimate criticism has been removed. If someone makes a post which is intended to do nothing but insult us and make baseless accusations then of course we are going to remove it because it is simply an expression of their resentment rather than trying to raise a legitimate issue. Ie, they don't care if it gets fixed, they just want to get revenge by publishing slander.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]6. Rules
I think you have rules to take care of rules for posting rules on the rules that are posted.

Once again, this forum this for supporting a software product. If you're hanging out here in your free time and find the rules to be too rigid then perhaps try reddit or 4chan instead.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]Google search : mybb sucks and you will truly open your eyes !

So they can open their eyes to one plugin thief and one troll? We are well aware of those sites and if you're suggesting their owners have any credibility then you have no idea about the circumstances under which they were banned.
(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]1. Kids
No professional software company can thrive from children, which is all you have here.

Been hearing this and how MyBB will fail since MyBB v1.2 but MyBB is still going strong with newer better releases coming out every few months.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]2. Moderators
Mods are too quick on the draw, support team needs a manager to keep these rogues under control.

Do you have any specific example where this happened? If anyone feels they were unjustly treated by a mod there is always the Private Inquiries forum where you can take your concerns for other staff members to take a look at.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]3. Organization
Where is the development timeline? What are the goals for mybb in the next xxxx months, years? (im not talking about the redmine installation)
Who is in charge of the diff. groups? Managers, support, PR, developers....

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]4. Spam
Spammers are flooding these forums but are not removed just to generate "fake traffic" for this site.

Again, not true, where are you getting these ideas from? Why would we leave spam on our forums? We remove spam as soon as it is discovered, if you come across spam, report it and see how fast its removed!

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]5. Freedom of speech
You censor everything that negatively comments mybb or if someone has an opinion that you do not like on these forums.

If this were true this thread would not be out here in the public. We only remove what we deem inappropriate or violating the rules.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]6. Rules
I think you have rules to take care of rules for posting rules on the rules that are posted.

Interesting, you think we can not be a professional company "with kids" but you expect us to be a professional company without any rules? Rules are there as a guideline for both the users and the staff to use while enforcing them.

(2011-11-03, 09:01 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure this thread will get locked but at least some people will see it! Google search : mybb sucks and you will truly open your eyes !

It is becoming apparent what the purpose of this thread is, we've seen users like you come and go, you get pissed off because you can't take anyone telling you what to do when its something as simple as follow the rules and you go in to a rage and open a thread such as this one which has no purpose but to insight other users which eventually takes the thread off topic and gets closed and then you can claim...see I told you, it got locked! TSK!
finally, after all these years, the first person on my ignore list....
Go and buy a private forum software, so you can demand something to them.
(2011-11-03, 10:23 PM)Sama34 Wrote: [ -> ]Go and buy a private forum software, so you can demand something to them.

That's the problem basically, when people buy a software from a company, they go to their forums and make polite question and write good threads and act very ethical because they're afraid to get banned from those forums and so lose everything (most of those forums require a customer ID or code or something to browse certain private forums...)...

But when it comes to Open Source Softwares, people don't care because no matter how many times they get banned they can still create a new account, get support and talk rubbish...
Ouch, somebody just got disowned from the Mybb community. Big Grin
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