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Yes I got the same thing, it seems to be gone for now (or atleast on my end) but I didn't know why it was just the community forums that were down. O.o
I found that if I go to a page other than the index, and go to the index via the breadcrumb, it works just fine. However, a random visit to the index with no previous page views offers me with a blank page (in Firefox).
(2012-03-04, 03:25 AM)Ferron Wrote: [ -> ]I found that if I go to a page other than the index, and go to the index via the breadcrumb, it works just fine. However, a random visit to the index with no previous page views offers me with a blank page (in Firefox).

Exactly the same.

If I'm logged out I can visit index.php any way I want - if I login so that I return to index.php, I get a blank page (in Firefox) or Internal Server Error 500 (in Chrome).
(2012-03-04, 03:34 AM)Anxiety Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-03-04, 03:25 AM)Ferron Wrote: [ -> ]I found that if I go to a page other than the index, and go to the index via the breadcrumb, it works just fine. However, a random visit to the index with no previous page views offers me with a blank page (in Firefox).

Exactly the same.

Yep... At least I know the fid of the support section, so I can browse to it and then to the index via breadcrumb.
Surely someone else except Chris has ftp access, redirect us to usercp when logging in or something.
Heh, I went to portal.php when index.php was blank, and the top message there is that MyBB 1.4.8 was released... no love for the portal, eh? Wink
Haven't really seen any good out-of-the-box portal for any forum software so I don't really wonder about that one Smile Even though that is a matter of another thread... I really hope there would be some serious consideration on experimenting a different kind of system for a forum to be accessed. Anyway, portals have never been really thought out well. Those have always been more of an afterthought feature packs with an idea of having modules you can put on a page.

I hope this Internal Server Error is fixed soon.
Same here. Someone had to tell me to visit another page. Index doesn't work right. Blank white page.

At least post in the Twitter guys.
Yeah i am having the same problems, also just had a server fault message.
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