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It seems fine now.

Quote:Oh and if Chris is having problems with index.php being attacked I have neat trick always works. Change index.php to index2.php and make a new index.php that's a javascript redirect to index2.php. Stops ddos attacks immediately. Bots don't use javascript nor will follow any redirect/refresh pages. Plus it makes it easier to gather the attacking IPs.

Won't it affect search engine rankings? I mean bots like Google,etc would just come to index.php and idle instead of index2.php? Little confused.
Not yet fixed for me.
Not fixed for me either.

Am I the only one that thinks it's blatantly obvious that access to the server needs to be for more than just Chris? I mean it's one thing to walk away from the development and pass the project to a lead developer but it's another to neglect the serving of the site.

These problems are getting worse not better. And it's because of neglect. I'm sure Chris has the skills to sysadmin the server but does he have the time? Does he have the energy? Does he give a crap anymore? I'm sure he doesn't want to see this project die but does he still consider MyBB his baby or is it some project he used to be involved with years ago?

I guess we'll see how the coming months go but it's frustrating that the site doesn't load regularly. The reputation of MyBB is imho effected.

I know my sentiment might not be popular but I'm being honest and I think saying what others are probably thinking.
I still cant access it without deleting cookies every time I try to access mybb. I dont try to often anymore because im sick of the issues. Either the site is not loading, its down or its just slower than a turtle in reverse.

@labrocca: Why bother, if the mybb team doesn't bother ?
(2012-03-07, 07:40 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]Not fixed for me either.

Am I the only one that thinks it's blatantly obvious that access to the server needs to be for more than just Chris? I mean it's one thing to walk away from the development and pass the project to a lead developer but it's another to neglect the serving of the site.

These problems are getting worse not better. And it's because of neglect. I'm sure Chris has the skills to sysadmin the server but does he have the time? Does he have the energy? Does he give a crap anymore? I'm sure he doesn't want to see this project die but does he still consider MyBB his baby or is it some project he used to be involved with years ago?

I guess we'll see how the coming months go but it's frustrating that the site doesn't load regularly. The reputation of MyBB is imho effected.

I know my sentiment might not be popular but I'm being honest and I think saying what others are probably thinking.


(2012-03-07, 07:57 PM)Frank.Barry Wrote: [ -> ]@labrocca: Why bother, if the mybb team doesn't bother ?
They might be afraid to express themselves for fear of getting booted from the team. MyBB team doesn't as far as I know have server access the way Chris does.

At some point the truth has to be faced. This project is a lot bigger than one guy.
(2012-03-07, 07:57 PM)Frank.Barry Wrote: [ -> ]I still cant access it without deleting cookies every time I try to access mybb. I dont try to often anymore because im sick of the issues. Either the site is not loading, its down or its just slower than a turtle in reverse.

@labrocca: Why bother, if the mybb team doesn't bother ?

Just change your bookmarks to another page for now. No need to delete cookies, just access a page other than index.php the first time.
(2012-03-07, 07:40 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]Not fixed for me either.

Am I the only one that thinks it's blatantly obvious that access to the server needs to be for more than just Chris? I mean it's one thing to walk away from the development and pass the project to a lead developer but it's another to neglect the serving of the site.

These problems are getting worse not better. And it's because of neglect. I'm sure Chris has the skills to sysadmin the server but does he have the time? Does he have the energy? Does he give a crap anymore? I'm sure he doesn't want to see this project die but does he still consider MyBB his baby or is it some project he used to be involved with years ago?

I guess we'll see how the coming months go but it's frustrating that the site doesn't load regularly. The reputation of MyBB is imho effected.

I know my sentiment might not be popular but I'm being honest and I think saying what others are probably thinking.

I've said it for a while. I wouldn't care if we were given a reason WHY no one else has server access, or at least not enough access. It's been what, 3 or 4 days now? I can't imagine how many potential users have been lost because of this. It's similar to when the site was incredibly slow for days.

Oh, thats nice. I thought I was banned or something. While I'm sure Chris can get it, I think it'd be nice at least if Tim or someone else on the management side of things had access enough to work some of these issues out.
Yes, When I came back to check something and I typed the URL it also just leaded me to a blank page.
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