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Ok if you do all that what about the "search" feature for help?  Are you going to integrate those?  Seems to me that you are doing more work than if you simply integrated the 2 forums into 1.

imho code modification should be here...often times when people search for simple help it may require a mod or a mod already written.  Minimizing their effort can help prevent frustration and can also lead to better customer satisfaction.  What in your opinion is the gain from having a seperate Official Mods forums?

There are 13,000 posts in this sites code modification forums.  There are 3000 TOTAL posts at the mods forums. They are practically dead...however over 1000 people signed up there "thinking" they would get help.   More help would be here where the activity is much higher.  

Let's examine a few recent threads in their "support" forums.

All unsuccessfully assisted.  Most didn't even get a response.  That's not support.  That site is great for downloading the mods but why should the official mod support be there?  I see no advantage as most the knowledgable people and authors are HERE.  

You have a url link forums for official mod downloads. IMHO he should have a url link forums to here for support.  His forums would be good only to have topics on the downloads and the site assistance itself..maybe something for the authors and support for bad downloads or broken mods.

Anyways...I know I have a lot of opinions but judging from other input I believe my idea should be considered.  It has even been suggested in the past by team members.

Thanks for reading.
Chris Wrote:I disagree with moving them here.
and the reason being...? o.O
Chris Boulton Wrote:I disagree with moving them here.

However I think what we need to look at is:
  • Login interoperability - you can login over there with the same username/password you use here.
  • Restructured forums - at the moment I think people don't know where to post with the current forums over there.
  • Redirect ALL code modifications discussion to over there - and when you are logged in here you are also automatically logged in over on

That's my feeling on the matter, MyBB Mods should be where all of the discussion of Plugins and mods happens.
So what should be here? And why have search and logins at 2 different site to support the same software. It just doesn't make any sense. I am not sure how the mods site started but where is the BENEFIT. Please name 1 benefit of having that seperate site. Because it's been around 2 1/2 years now and it's a dead forums. That's because the members don't naturally go there for support even for the mods. Mod authors are mainly here as well...some may post there but it's here that has the activity. It's a waste of a resource and an official split of this community with zero benefit to it.

Quote:That's my feeling on the matter

Hmm...and what reasoning do you use for these feelings?
labrocca Wrote:Hmm...and what reasoning do you use for these feelings?

Well, I don't really like how the code mods forum is setup here. I like how the MyBBM's forum are. They have a forum for request, support, etc. Here it's a free for all forum and I don't really like that.

I'm not totaly against merging them here, but I would like to keep the MyBBM forum structure, for request, support, etc.
Christian Wrote:
Chris Boulton Wrote:I disagree with moving them here.

However I think what we need to look at is:
  • Login interoperability - you can login over there with the same username/password you use here.
  • Restructured forums - at the moment I think people don't know where to post with the current forums over there.
  • Redirect ALL code modifications discussion to over there - and when you are logged in here you are also automatically logged in over on

That's my feeling on the matter, MyBB Mods should be where all of the discussion of Plugins and mods happens.

I agree. All talk about Mods and Plugins, ect should be moved to the MyBB Mods forum. Wink
Christian Wrote:
labrocca Wrote:Hmm...and what reasoning do you use for these feelings?

Well, I don't really like how the code mods forum is setup here. I like how the MyBBM's forum are. They have a forum for request, support, etc. Here it's a free for all forum and I don't really like that.

I'm not totaly against merging them here, but I would like to keep the MyBBM forum structure, for request, support, etc.

I agree the structure should be moved here.  I think possibly subforums would suffice.  

Firefoxwiz...what's your reasoning to have a seperate forums?  You seem more active here.  Do you make any threads at that site that you don't make here as well?  I can guess that any mod or template author posts here at least and possibly there as well...I see no advantage to that. have made a total of 13 posts there and not one single new thread.
Sorry for the late reply, labrocca.

My reasoning? I think it's just a feeling. I think it would be better if all the code modifications talk would be moved there.
You say it's not active? It WOULD become active if we moved all the code modifications, theme and plugins/mod support to there.

Yes, I've made a total of 13 posts there, trying to help others, and asking questions.

My "reasoning" is that this forum should contain the major MyBB support, but the code modifications support, plugins and mods support would be over at MyBB Mods.
I'd prefer the mybbmods forum to talk about all kind of modifications and plugins, but it's just not as active as here. This also causes me to not go there much anymore. The Code Modifications here is too full of everything. It should be structured too. Maybe with some subforums like 'fixed bugs' and 'requests' and others... But than, all who makes mods around here should be able to move certain threads to these forums.
Quote:My "reasoning" is that this forum should contain the major MyBB support, but the code modifications support, plugins and mods support would be over at MyBB Mods.
That reasoning is logical! Since that IS the mods board, all support SHOULD be over there! You are right that it would be busier if ALL support was there! Big Grin
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