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Full Version: Why does exists?
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Pages: 1 2 3 4 5're funny! Big Grin So either the future of mybb/mods is either like the BetaMax or the DVD...guess we'll have to wait and see!
well i personally think that we shouldn't bother about it. Its their wish to have different forum or same forum. we are free to sign up where we want. i am signed up here and most of my queries replied here very decently Smile so it doesn't matter to me.

and i think it doesn't matter to us also Smile
judel Wrote:There were probably people that said they would never drive a car or fly in a plane. It's called progress and sometimes takes years to be accepted!

Yes, that's because there were people, while the case here is, we have very less of 'em. Progress? You gotta be kidding me, right? Yes, sure it will take years to get accepted and sadly people will be getting less support all this time or the MyBB forum itself will be getting less suggestions, bug fix contributions from community, etc.

tmhai said it alright, but then again, I will leave it to the developers. Whatever decision they take is their choice, but I just voiced my opinion on how will I react under such a case. I am not whining or complaining in anyway, either.
Quote:MYBB doesn't sell anything at all so there is no need to seperate the support.
Read the MyBB license agreement. Technically we do not have to give support for modified boards.

Most of the posts in the "General Support" forum or "Bug Reports" forum actually correspond to modifications or people asking how to modify something. I don't want that cluttering up these forums for genuine people who are trying to get technical support for problems they are having with their stock installation.

Quote:I think we should bother as we, the community, should have a right to make educated and timely descisions throught the rightly guided developers of MyBB.

Actually no, I don't think this decision should be yours. It is up to us (myself and MM being the upper "management") on how we deal with this matter.

Quote:Yes, it is an entity of its own, but it is the official mods database, and you dont see others like vB and phpBB having diffrent forums for just Mods.
Did you not read Justin's post above about the vBulletin one?

As for what may happen, I do not know - things may stay the same, things may change.

The point is you should all not be arguing over it.
Chris Wrote:The point is you should all not be arguing over it.
Chris puts it right, just enjoy what you're getting, do your own work and contribute if you really feel this project is worth it. At the end of the day, it's the developers who are going to stay with the product for the long. Wink

As far as I'm concerned, I voiced my opinion because the thread starter asked for it. Hey labrocca, you run a democracy forums, now start your own 'discuss mybb' forum and ask such questions there.. ^o) haha!
Asad_Niazi Wrote:
Chris Wrote:The point is you should all not be arguing over it.
Chris puts it right, just enjoy what you're getting, do your own work and contribute if you really feel this project is worth it. At the end of the day, it's the developers who are going to stay with the product for the long. Wink

Well put.
Asad_Niazi Wrote:
Chris Wrote:The point is you should all not be arguing over it.
Chris puts it right, just enjoy what you're getting, do your own work and contribute if you really feel this project is worth it. At the end of the day, it's the developers who are going to stay with the product for the long. Wink

As far as I'm concerned, I voiced my opinion because the thread starter asked for it.  Hey labrocca, you run a democracy forums, now start your own 'discuss mybb' forum and ask such questions there.. ^o) haha!

You mean like Mybbcentral? Smile

I still have a bit of work to do for it before I feel it's officially launched. It's basically where I will have my mods and support for those who become my mybb clients.

I also hope to release all my templates there as well.
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