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Full Version: Why does exists?
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I agree with Chris - logins should be the same, and all mods discussion should be moved there.

May I point out two of the most popular forum softwares and how they do it:
  • vBulletin has
  • IPB/IPS has

Both have a separate site for mods. Neither have the same logins for both, but I think we should, because most don't like registering twice.
Well whatever changes occur most agree some change is needed.

I stand by my original post though in saying there is redundancy. Hopefully some action will be taken to either way. If they want us on the mods site hey...fine. Split up the already small community we have...they already attempted to split it up with the mods section and obviously it's a complete failure..but go ahead try it again. It will only make this forums filled with people being told to go to another forums. And if the logins and such are the same it will just be more work for the admins of both sites. will be as it is now where 2 sites will need to be sustained for basically 1 project.

The site is a bad example...they have 20x the amount of members as this place does. They are a paid product that offers support. doesn't actually SELL anything that's why it's seperate. MYBB doesn't sell anything at all so there is no need to seperate the support.

I am personally offended at the mods subdomain. This forum clearly links to that site yet only the copyright of that site links here. I just don't understand how you want to take the 20k posts that are here and move them to a site with only 4k posts.

That site for October had 65 new members making a total post count of about 20. This forums had over 250 new members with COUNTLESS new posts. I can almost guarantee you that most members there...are members here first. This site is nowhere near being big enough to seperate it. Look at the phpbb forums or even the SMF forums. I don't know any bb software besides VB that splits up the community and I already explained why VB does it.

Oh well..whatever Chris wants to do he will do. If he does nothing at all that's fine with me since that forums is basically dead. I just wanted some reasoning why it exists at all.

Interesting how some of you have a "feeling" that the mods forum should stay. When you need help you certainly don't post there even if it's for a mod.
Come on, Labrocca! Yes, we admit you have a valid point...but IF...and I do say IF...the mods support forum is moved to the mods board *and no support is here anymore* then the members WILL move over to that forum for support! Since the mods are being posted over there, then it does make a bit of sense for the support to be there as well. Chris doesn't make modifications. I think I've seen one basic one on the mods board, but I don't even use it. I think it was a rules page mod? I made my own rules list in help. But anyway let Chris spend his time working on mybb as he sees fit and let the other staff and mod authors continue improving it with the mods. I doubt MM is going to trash his site just because you don't think it's valid. The whole idea is that it COULD be important, if we let it.

OK, so you say that the members will just be told to go over to the mods board for support and that's redundant..but how is that any different than being told to first check the wiki before asking for help. Hell, I've seen the banner that Tiki has..."check the wiki first since you'll just be directed there anyway..." or some such thing...I can just see the banners for the mods board. "Check the mods board for any modification support, since you'll just be directed there anyway..." I guess that's progress?

Oh well, that's my 2 cents worth! Big Grin
The Wiki is a FAQ and helpful. The Mods site has all the mods and it's helpful. This site has the forums and it's helpful. Everything has a place. I don't believe MM has to trash his site...only merge his forums here...or prune them so they are more helpful and focused. If you look over there....mod authors don't even bother making posts about new mod releases. Which means if mod support is needed someone makes a new topic...then has to wait days to get a response if they ever get one at all. I am going by history and not guessing or hoping.

As I said..if nothing is changed (doubtful it will) then this site will continue to grow and be more productive than that site. It's been happening and will continue to happen. And you say that MM shouldn't trash his site. Well why should Chris promote a forums for MM from his project when MM doesn't even reciprocate the forum link back here.

judel Wrote:The whole idea is that it COULD be important, if we let it.

You have 11 posts there and you joined that site about the same time you joined this one. Don't lecture me about it COULD be's not. You have almost 1000 posts here and 11 there...utterly ridiculous how you are supporting that site in this thread yet you have shown zero support in your actions over the past 6 months you have been a member here.
Quote:the mods support forum is moved to the mods board *and no support is here anymore* then the members WILL move over to that forum for support!
yeah, in that case, I will never stumble upon any support requests, suggestions, bug reports etc. and will never be able to contribute to them. Why? It's simple, I just wouldn't want to keep hopping around in 2 forums. I know I don't contribute a whole lot, but it's still something and when there isn't a huge user-base, that 'something' is really something Toungue ..
This might be totally irrelevant, but.. How is that that the guy that opens MyBB Central, is complaining about MyBB Mods? I mean think about it, We have the Templates, Theme Sets and Graphics forum and MyBB Templates. Doesn't that seem redundant and even hypocritical? Yes, MyBB Central isn't official, but you open a community dedicated to help with templates, themes and even MyBB support.
Quote:You have 11 posts there and you joined that site about the same time you joined this one. Don't lecture me about it COULD be's not.
I'm not lecturing you! And why do you keep pointing out what our post counts are over there? I joined the same time as here, since I had a mod support question...that was never answered until I came over I do understand your point. I've said that before, but naturally you have to assume that I'm attacking you. Why can't YOU understand that all we're trying to say is that the mods board SHOULD be more important than it is? If people were only helped over there with mod support questions, then it would be! Is that so hard to agree to? Jeesh, and you wonder why people give you a hard time! Toungue

And that's a good point, Christian! LOL...and as far as not going over to the mods board IF all support is moved over there! Well, I'm sure you would change your mind IF that was the only place you could get support! And it wouldn't be that much of a pain, if when we're logged in here, we're automatically logged in there!
Let me repeat there are many people like me who will stick to just one of the two forums and that's what it gonna be and that is not going to benefit MyBB in anyway and rather it's going to negatively affect it.
Well, I'm sure there were people that have made similar comments anytime something new was suggested. There were probably people that said they would never drive a car or fly in a plane. It's called progress and sometimes takes years to be accepted!

But everyone has the right to their opinion. Doesn't usually mean all that much in the grand scheme of things...Chris and MM will do what they see fit and none of us have the right to expect otherwise.
judel Wrote:There were probably people that said they would never drive a car or fly in a plane.   It's called progress and sometimes takes years to be accepted!

And there was people that said BetaMax was gonna be the next big thing too.
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