After a lot of thinking on this i honestly feel the whole SEP is a waste of resources in reality the majority of the time any posts that do breach an policies are going to be deleted or unapproved and then the idea of adding a label is an extra process and time that could be spent doing other things.
Users such as @Philly who clearly states an obvious fact that is not illegal or even considered to be abnormal within his area is a flaw in this whole thing.
I think seriously there are too many excuses being made to try and do what a team thinks is right ethically but it is a waste of time as others have stated people can create another account and post again.
I am not a fan of @devs as he seems to keep on one point like a dog with a bone rather than working with what you have and finding ways to help. I do agree with some of his points about the Team as it stands and the way things appear to be within the community but i also do not feel the way to help is to start calling people stupid that is not achieving anything
I am with @Ben Cousins why not start a new thread and post a decent proposal or an outline of how you think things can be achieved rather than post endless things about it not being right but provide no solutions.
i do feel that there is a lot of things going on and being talked about behind the scenes but not much is being achieved from the front end of things.
I do see a lot of posts here from the team saying that "the team has discussed this", or "it is planned" but the fact we see threads about things now from a key group all asking questions says things are not being flowed on into the community very well.
I think the majority of people here all agree that the OP should not have been labeled but yet we see no change just a lot of talk that is not really productive
Forgive me for my ramblings but i am frustrated (i must be off my meds)
I'll be happy to provide what I feel could be possible changes.
1. Keep the label private to support staff only.
2. If you still don't want to offer us support then why not just disallow us from posting new threads in the official support section.
3. Consider rewriting the policy and think about a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. I know that may conflict with the required MyBB copyright link required for support but it could still be worked in some manner.
4. Make it clear that MyBB doesn't want any links to any websites that fall into those categories instead. Links can be provided privately or just not at all.
5. Remove the policy altogether. That may seem drastic but honestly it's something that was added many years after MyBB existed and imho wasn't needed then and isn't needed now. Why the policy was added I can't be sure but my guess is that someone had a bias, which is unfair.
I didn't want to provide my suggestions until I knew the stance of MyBB on the policy and maybe gained some community feedback. I wasn't sure if I was going to be told "too bad" or what. I think if the team is reading this you don't see any real obstacles to making changes.
I'm glad members have showed agreement to my post but I want it clear I'm not attacking the Team itself, just the policy.
Quote: i do feel that there is a lot of things going on and being talked about behind the scenes but not much is being achieved from the front end of things.
I jut want to note the same thing as I've noted before. This was the case for a long time, but the team is a lot more open now than we have ever been in my opinion. Sure, we can do more, but we are definitely heading in the right direction. There are stil lconversations that happen in private, mostly because they kind of need to be (staff personal issues, people applying to join the team, discussions about members breaking rules, etc.). Development discussions happen on the forum (in public) or on GitHub (public) or on Discord (again, public).
Members who remove MyBB's copyright in the footer is the only ones whom should be denied support. This is how I believe it used to be right before I joined and how it still should be imho.
(2017-11-19, 06:12 PM)Philly Wrote: [ -> ]Members who remove MyBB's copyright in the footer is the only ones whom should be denied support. This is how I believe it used to be right before I joined and how it still should be imho.
I can confirm that was exactly how it was.
Members who disrespected the community or were involved in warez of members materials (plugins/themes) were banned in most cases.
(2017-11-19, 06:19 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-11-19, 06:12 PM)Philly Wrote: [ -> ]Members who remove MyBB's copyright in the footer is the only ones whom should be denied support. This is how I believe it used to be right before I joined and how it still should be imho.
I can confirm that was exactly how it was.
Members who disrespected the community or were involved in warez of members materials (plugins/themes) were banned in most cases.
That is how is should have remained then, I really am unsure why it was ever changed...
(2017-11-19, 06:27 PM)Philly Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-11-19, 06:19 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-11-19, 06:12 PM)Philly Wrote: [ -> ]Members who remove MyBB's copyright in the footer is the only ones whom should be denied support. This is how I believe it used to be right before I joined and how it still should be imho.
I can confirm that was exactly how it was.
Members who disrespected the community or were involved in warez of members materials (plugins/themes) were banned in most cases.
That is how is should have remained then, I really am unsure why it was ever changed...
What's the point though?
They'll make a new account with different IP and pretend to be someone else lol.
I agree with labrocca it makes more sense to remove the policy and rather just ensure disclaimers are in place and reinforced throughout the site as this more legally ethical and better practice
The whole label thing is just weird and a waste of time
As a new user of MyBB, I can't really believe some of the discussions that's happening now..

Anyway, my 2c on 'denied support'.
1. This tag shouldn't be visible only to the mods. Mods aren't the only people who can help people out in MyBB. I try my best to help people if I happen to know the answer. Sure I am still a noobie but I still like to help. And I don't want to help people who have been officially denied support (whatever reasons there may be).
2. People who have been denied support should be given a chance of repreive. e.g. if the user removed the credits and was denied support. If he restored the credits his support status can be granted back. This may sound like a lot of work, but it's the same workload. e.g. a user ask for help, provide a link, mods see the guy don't adhere to some rule, stick a support ban. Guy finds out he is banned, undo whatever he did. Mods verify, and support restored.
3. Personally I don't want to use a piece of software that's tied to or associated with illegal stuff. This is not about ethics, more about business and public appeal. I don't want people to sign up to my forums with an expectation I'm going to offer something unethical.
4. The 'denied support' tag is not where it should be. It should be near the avatar, instead of in the message panel.
5. Yes I know people can always create a new account and ask for support again. It's not about what these people are doing, it's more important for MyBB community to make a stand on what they believe in. All 'making a stand' type situations will feel like unnecessary futile work. But it's worth it IMO.
(2017-11-20, 12:33 AM)snakeoilos Wrote: [ -> ]2. People who have been denied support should be given a chance of repreive. e.g. if the user removed the credits and was denied support.
I'm led to believe this is the case.