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Full Version: Great Software. Not so great support
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What you're trying to accomplish is more suitable for a plugin than anything to do with support, really. I was talking about the cookie threads, the redundant ones.
(2010-05-09, 02:07 AM)Scoutie44 Wrote: [ -> ]What you're trying to accomplish is more suitable for a plugin than anything to do with support, really. I was talking about the cookie threads, the redundant ones.

I personally believe things like not showing ads on SE blocked pages/ registration pages { for obvious reason} , opening thread links on same window, editing email titles to show etc could have been better handled without plugins. Again that's my personal opinion... no offence meant.

As far as support is concerned, I was talking about "active responses"... like I received an reply to a query which I had asked 5 month ago.

Having said that .. I love myBB ..its fast n clean. And I would love to stick to it.
Your in the phpbb mentality then where there aren't plugins.

#1 MyBB doesn't have a built in ad system so that would be handled by the ad plugin (if using one).

#2 I don't really understand what your talking about.

#3 it can be done without a plugin. And, I'll attempt to answer it if I get time to look for what needs to be done. But, it may require core edits and thus an update may break your edits which is why it may be better handled by a plugin.
(2010-05-09, 02:19 AM)HubSeo Wrote: [ -> ]etc could have been better handled without plugins.

Why? Then you would have to manually make all these code changes every time you upgraded. Thats the whole reason why we have the plugin system, so you don't have to do this. In an ideal world every modification to the default functionality regardless of how small should be done through a plugin.
(2010-05-09, 02:41 AM)Alex Smith Wrote: [ -> ]Your in the phpbb mentality then where there aren't plugins.

#1 MyBB doesn't have a built in ad system so that would be handled by the ad plugin (if using one).

#2 I don't really understand what your talking about.

#3 it can be done without a plugin. And, I'll attempt to answer it if I get time to look for what needs to be done. But, it may require core edits and thus an update may break your edits which is why it may be better handled by a plugin.

Thanks for your response Alex.

#1 Infact most if not all board softwares do not have a built in ad system. But none of the ad plugins available does what it should ideally do. Here is a scenario :
I have ads on the header file { probably the most suitable place }- A visitor visits my forum and then goes to the registration page which also contains the ads. If he clicks the ad I might lose a potential member. Plus its against the TOS of google to place ads on Login and registration pages.

#2 A user refers to a internal thread inside the post, which open in new window. Ideally i would like to open it in the same window if it is an internal link.

3# Its about the Email subject of Forum subscription notification. It would be really good that the users don't have to to through the email to check what is it about. Notification email having the thread title as subject would really come handy and also reduce the chances of being dumped into the spam folder.

(2010-05-08, 11:41 PM)HubSeo Wrote: [ -> ]I have been with the phpbb for a long time. Wanted to try something new and mybb was the choice.

The software is great . Easy management and is very fast. Plugin installs are very easy as well without any much of edit to the core files.

I wish the support was as fantastic as the software itself. I donno maybe it lack the number staffs or is it something else ... or it could be just me .....

Yeah the software is pretty darned good, that's why many of us are here!

As for the support, I'm sorry that it doesn't meet your expectations, I certainly don't think it's because of lack of staff, maybe you can tell us why you think that, and tell us what you think we should have?
You asked me about the ads last night and I gave you the solution today.

Quote:I have been with the phpbb for a long time.

One of the most important differences to note is the plugin system. If you're making core file edits you're probably doing something wrong.

As for support here. It's spotty at times and I also believe it's due to the small number of staff members. I don't think that's going to change anytime soon either since I don't see too many experienced members that are qualified who are not already on staff or are too busy to be on staff.

You're a MyBB Central subcriber. I support all my plugins pretty well. If you have questions feel free to PM me there. I'll try to help you out.

Oh one last thing...I think MyBB lacks good documentation. I know we have the wiki but it's not referenced enough and imho it's not extensive either.
(2010-05-09, 03:58 AM)lufbra Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-08, 11:41 PM)HubSeo Wrote: [ -> ]I have been with the phpbb for a long time. Wanted to try something new and mybb was the choice.

The software is great . Easy management and is very fast. Plugin installs are very easy as well without any much of edit to the core files.

I wish the support was as fantastic as the software itself. I donno maybe it lack the number staffs or is it something else ... or it could be just me .....

Yeah the software is pretty darned good, that's why many of us are here!

As for the support, I'm sorry that it doesn't meet your expectations, I certainly don't think it's because of lack of staff, maybe you can tell us why you think that, and tell us what you think we should have?

What i feel it lacks is the activity of experienced users who have been using mybb. Its the normal users that make the support much easier and quicker response. Here I feel normal users just not feel like responding to queries "that often" irrespective of whether they have a solution or not and expect the staff to do so. Again it might sounds like a premature conclusion ..but that what I felt looking at low reply rate.

(2010-05-09, 04:12 AM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]You asked me about the ads last night and I gave you the solution today.

Quote:I have been with the phpbb for a long time.

One of the most important differences to note is the plugin system. If you're making core file edits you're probably doing something wrong.

As for support here. It's spotty at times and I also believe it's due to the small number of staff members. I don't think that's going to change anytime soon either since I don't see too many experienced members that are qualified who are not already on staff or are too busy to be on staff.

You're a MyBB Central subcriber. I support all my plugins pretty well. If you have questions feel free to PM me there. I'll try to help you out.

Oh one last thing...I think MyBB lacks good documentation. I know we have the wiki but it's not referenced enough and imho it's not extensive either.

Thanks for your response, Checked it will test in a while. And about the ucp pages, since bots cant read the content, it usually returns public service ads and ads which are highly irrelevant. This causes a poor CTR which I would like to avoid.
Sending you a PM at your site.
I won't argue that most of active members don't spend a lot of time in the support section. I used to but well I don't know just kind of stopped around 1.4 release.
Labrocca hit this right on the spot.

(2010-05-09, 04:12 AM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]I don't see too many experienced members that are qualified who are not already on staff or are too busy to be on staff.
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